RK Sanatombi Devi College, Manipur Recruitment 2020: Apply 07 Post - Principal, Professor & Assistant Professor

RK Sanatombi Devi College, Manipur Recruitment 2020: Apply 07 Post - Principal, Professor & Assistant Professor

RK Sanatombi Devi College Recruitment 2020

RK Sanatombi Devi College of Education, Manipur has released current employment news for the recruitment of Official website rksanatombidevi.org notification of 07 posts of Principal/HoD, Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor in the latest Imphal vacancies 2020. Candidates who are interested in Jobs details given below and have completed all eligibility criteria can read advertisement and apply.

Application Process

Online Form



Last date

19th November 2020

Name of the Education

RK Sanatombi Devi College of Education



RK Sanatombi Devi College Vacancy Details



1. Principal/HoD


No. of Post: 01 (One)


Qualification: PG in Arts/Sc/Com with minimum 55%. M.Ed with minimum 55%, Ph.D in Edn and 10 years teaching experience in teacher Edn.



2. Professor & Associate Professor


No. of Posts: 02 (Two)




(i) PG with minimum 55% in the discipline relevant to the area of specialization.


(ii) PG in Edn (Med/MA Edn) with minimum 55% marks.


(iii) PhD in Edn or in the area of specialization and


(iv) Any other qualifications prescribed by UGC like NET or length of professional teaching experience as per UGC or state Govt. norms for the positions of Professor and Associate Professor.



3. Assistant Professor (B.Ed Course)


No. of Posts: 04 (Four)




(i) PG in Physical/Chemistry with minimum 55% and M.Ed. with minimum 55%, NET.


(ii) PG in Math with minimum 55% and M.Ed. with minimum 55% with NET.


(iii) PG in S.Sc with minimum 55% and M.Ed. with minimum 55% with NET or PG in Sociology with minimum 55% marks and B.Ed./B.El.Ed. with minimum 55% with NET.



How to Apply RK Sanatombi Devi College Recruitment

Applications with relevant documents may also be submitted through email: rksanatombidevi@gmail.com. Those who have applied for the above posts vide earlier advertisements of the College, need no reapply. Last date of submission of application: 19.11.2020.


Date and time of Interview: 20.11.2020 at 11.00 am



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