UPSC ORA Recruitment 2024: 120 Officer, Engineer, Scientist & Other Posts

UPSC ORA Recruitment 2024: 120 Officer, Engineer, Scientist & Other Posts

UPSC ORA Recruitment 2024: Union Public Service Commission (UPSC), has issued an official advertisement announcement for the recruitment of 120 Assistant Director, Scientist-B, Administrative Officer, Engineer and other various vacancies. All the details related to the UPSC ORA Recruitment 2024 are given below.

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UPSC ORA Recruitment Overview

Recruitment Authority

Union Public Service Commission (UPSC)

Advt. No.


Post Name

Various Vacancies



Job Location

Anywhere India

Mode of Apply


Last Date to Apply

February 24, 2024


UPSC ORA Recruitment 2024

Official Website

Employment News

Click Here

UPSC ORA Recruitment Details




Assistant Director of Operations


Degree in Engineering with 3 years’ experience.

Scientist-B (Physical Civil)


Master’s Degree in Physics/ Chemistry. Or Bachelor of Engineering with 2 years practical experience.

Administrative Officer Grade-I


Degree with 3 years of experience.



Masters’ Degree in Zoology with 3 years’ experience.

Specialist Grade-III (Urology)


MBBS degree with 3 years’ experience.

Scientist-B (Environmental Science)


Master’s Degree in Environmental Science. At least three years’ experience in relevant field.

Engineer & Ship Surveyor-cum-Deputy Director General (Technical)


Certificate of Competency of Marine Engineer Officer Class-I. Five years’ service at Sea of which One year service as Chief Engineer or Second Engineer. 1 year experience in relevant field.

Specialist Grade-III (Neuro-Surgery)


MBBS Degree with 3 years’ experience in relevant field.

Specialist Grade-III (Ophthalmology)


MBBS Degree with 3 years’ experience in relevant field.

Specialist Grade-III (Orthopaedics)


MBBS Degree with 3-year experience in relevant field.

Specialist Grade-III (Oto-Rhino-Laryngology (ENT)


MBBS Degree with 3 years’ experience in relevant field.

Specialist Grade-III (Tuberculosis & Respiratory Medicine Pulmonary Medicine)


MBBS Degree with 3 years’ experience in relevant field.

Salary & Age Limit 


Age Limit

Pay Scale

Assistant Director of Operations

45 years

Level-11 as per 7th CPC

Scientist-B (Physical Civil)

35 years

Level-10 as per 7th CPC

Administrative Officer Grade-I

35 years

Level-10 as per 7th CPC


35 years

Level-10 as per 7th CPC

Specialist Grade-III (Urology)


50 PwBDs, 43 OBC and 40 UR

Level-11 as per 7th CPC

Scientist-B (Environmental Science)

SC 40, OBC 38

Level-10 as per 7th CPC

Engineer & Ship Surveyor-cum-Deputy Director General (Technical)

UR 50

Level-12 as per 7th CPC

Specialist Grade-III (Neuro-Surgery)

SC/ST 50 & OBC 48

Level-11 as per 7th CPC

Specialist Grade-III (Ophthalmology)

SC/ST 50, OBC 48 & UR 45

Level-11 as per 7th CPC

Specialist Grade-III (Orthopaedics)

SC/ST 50, OBC 48 & EWS/UR 45

Level-11 as per 7th CPC

Specialist Grade-III (Oto-Rhino-Laryngology (ENT)

SC/ST 50, OBC 48 & EWS/UR 45

Level-11 as per 7th CPC

Specialist Grade-III (Tuberculosis & Respiratory Medicine Pulmonary Medicine)

OBC 48 & UR 45

Level-11 as per 7th CPC

Application Fee

(a) Candidates (except female/SC/ST/persons with benchmark disability who are exempted from payment of fee) are required to pay a fee of Rs. 25/- (Rupees twenty-five) only either by remitting the money in any branch of the SBI by cash, by using the net banking facility of any bank, or by using a Visa, Master, RuPay/Credit/Debit credit, debit card, or UPI payment.

(b) There is no fee for SC, ST, PwBD/Women candidates from any community. No "fee exemption" is available to Gen/OBC/EWS male candidates, and they are required to pay the full prescribed fee.

(c) Applications without the prescribed fee would not be considered and would be summarily rejected. No representation against such rejection would be entertained.

(d) The fee, once paid, shall not be refunded under any circumstances, nor can it be held in reserve for any other examination or selection.

How to Apply for UPSC ORA Vacancy?

(i) Visit the website,, to apply online.

(ii) Ensure all claims made in the application are supported by relevant documents and certificates.

(iii) Upload the documents in PDF format.

(iv) Each claim should have its own separate file.

(v) Keep the file size within 1 MB for specific modules and 2 MB for the "UPLOAD OTHER DOCUMENT" module.

(vi) Documents should be legible when printed; scan them at 200 dpi in gray scale.

(vii) Documents may include date of birth proof, experience (preferably in the prescribed format), desirable qualifications, etc. Specific documents like a pay slip, resume, appointment letter, relief letter, and unsigned experience certificate can be included.

Important Dates of UPSC ORA Vacancy



Opening Date for Online Registration


Closing Date for Online Registration


Last Date for Printing of Complete Application


Important Web-links for UPSC ORA Vacancy

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