APPSC Recruitment 2021 – 43 Agriculture Development Officer (ADO) Posts

APPSC Recruitment 2021 – 43 Agriculture Development Officer (ADO) Posts

APPSC Itanagar ADO Recruitment

Arunachal Pradesh Public Service Commission (APPSC) Itanagar has released current employment news of official website notification for the recruitment 43 posts of Agriculture Development Officer (ADO), Group ‘A’ (Junior) Agri. Service, under the Department of Agriculture, Govt of Arunachal Pradesh Vacancy in 2021.

Application Process

Online Form


Arunachal Pradesh

Last Date

05th February 2021

Recruitment Board

Arunachal Pradesh Public Service Commission (APPSC)

APPSC Itanagar ADO Vacancy

Agriculture Development Officer (ADO), Group ‘A’

No of Posts: 43 (APST: 34, Unreserved: 08 & APST-PWD: 01)


(i) Candidates for the post must hold a Bachelor’s Degree in Agriculture Science from any recognized university of India.

(ii) However, the final year students who are to appear for such final examination shall also be eligible to apply.

▪Age limit: Candidates must have attained the 18 years of age and should not more than 32 years as on 05.02.2021. However, the upper age limit is relaxable in accordance with the instruction issued by the Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh from time to time.

Examination fee of APPSC Itanagar ADO

Arunachal Pradesh Schedule Tribe (APST) candidates are required to pay fee of Rs.150/- (Rupees one hundred fifty) only and General candidates are required to pay fee of Rs.200/- (Rupees two hundred) only through online mode only.

Method of Selection of APPSC Itanagar ADO

The eligible candidate will have to appear in written examination in the following subjects followed by Viva-Voce to be conducted by the Arunachal Pradesh Public Service Commission, on the basis of which selection will be finalized.

(i) General English: 100 marks

(ii) General Knowledge: 100 marks

(iii) Agriculture Science (Part-I): 100 marks

(iv) Agriculture Science (Part-II): 100 marks

(v) Viva voce: 50 marks

The candidates who secure a minimum of 33% or more marks in each written examination papers and 45% of marks out of aggregate total marks in the written examination papers shall be eligible for viva-voce test. On the other hand, it will further mean that selection for viva-voce test shall be based on the aggregate total marks secured in the written examination papers and subject to ratio of 1:3. The candidates securing less than 33% of marks in any of the written examination paper shall not be eligible for appearing in the viva-voce test.

How to Apply APPSC Itanagar ADO?

Before applying online application for the post, candidate must mandatory register themselves in ONE TIME REGISTRATION (OTR).

Scanned copies of following documents and information are to be attached/uploaded:-

(i) Signature of the candidate on white paper with black ink pen (20-60 kb in jpg format).

(ii) Latest/Recent passport size photo (40-100 kb in jpg format)

The candidates who have been declared qualified in the written examination will have to submit photo copies (Xerox) of the following documents/information to the Commission before one week from the actual date of Interview.

(i) Recent passport size photograph

(ii) Self attested copies of Degree Certificates and Mark sheets issued by the Assistant Registrar/Registrar/Controller of Examination/Viva-Chancellor of the concerned University.

(iii) Self attested copy of Matriculation Certificate for proof of age issued by the Board only will be accepted.

(iv) Self attested copy of APST Certificate for APST candidates and a copy of PRC in case of others.

(v) All the supporting documents submitted by the candidates must be self attested otherwise the applications will be rejected.

Important Web Links of APPSC Itanagar ADO

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