APS Meghalaya Recruitment 2021. Apply 03 for PRT, TGT Maths and TGT SSc Vacancy

APS Meghalaya Recruitment 2021. Apply 03 for PRT, TGT Maths and TGT SSc Vacancy

APS Meghalaya Recruitment 2021


Army Public School (APS), Umroi Mil Stn, Meghalaya has released current employment news for the recruitment of official website apsumroi.com notification for 03 posts of PRT, TGT Math’s and TGT SSc in the latest Vacancies 2021. Candidates are requested to read the contents of the Jobs advertisement and ensure their eligibility before applying.


Application Process

Online Form


Ri-Bhoi, Meghalaya

Last Date

02nd January 2021

Recruitment Board

Army Public School (APS)



APS Meghalaya Vacancy Details 2021



1. PRT


No. of Post: 01 (One)


Qualification: Graduate with 2 years Diploma in Elementary Education (D.E.Ed.)/B.Ed. with minimum 50% marks in each. OST score card/CSB mandatory.



2. TGT Math’s


No. of Post: 01 (One)


Qualification: Graduate in the subject and B.Ed. with minimum 50% marks in each OST score card/ CSB mandatory.



3. TGT SSc


No. of Post: 01 (One)


Qualification: Graduate in the subject and B.Ed. with minimum 50% marks in each OST score card/ CSB mandatory.


Eligibility: Indian National with valid CSB Score Card. CTET or TET is not mandatory; however selected candidates would be required to pass the same within their probation term of two years.



√Age limit: Below 40 years for fresh candidates and below 57 years for experienced candidate/ESM (Minimum 5 years teaching experience in the last 10 years). Experienced candidates will be preferred.



How to Apply APS Meghalaya Recruitment 2021


•Please apply on prescribed form available in school website www.apsumroi.com and send it to the school address with certificates and DD of Rs 100/- in favour of Army Public School, Umroi Mil Stn. Application will be received by email also, however required DD of Rs 100/- need to be deposited on the first day of interview if called. Incomplete forms will be rejected.


For further details please contact:-


Address: Army Public School, Umroi Mil Stn

PO: Umroi

District: Ri-Bhoi

State: Meghalaya

Contact No: 0364-2577433

Email:  armyschoolumroi.33@gmail.com



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