District Fishery Dev Officer Nalbari Recruitment 2020. Apply 02 Vacancy for Driver & Grade-IV @ Jobs

District Fishery Dev Officer Nalbari Recruitment 2020. Apply 02 Vacancy for Driver & Grade-IV @ Jobs

District Fishery Dev Officer Nalbari Recruitment 2020


District Fishery Dev Officer, Nalbari released current employment news for the recruitment of official website nalbari.gov.in notification for 02 posts of Driver and Grade-IV in the latest Assam Vacancies 2020. Candidates are requested to read the contents of the Jobs advertisement and ensure their eligibility before applying.


Application Process

Offline Form



Last Date

23rd December 2020

Recruitment Board

District Fishery Dev Officer



District Fishery Dev Officer Nalbari Vacancy Details 2020



1. Driver


No. of Post: 01 (UR)


Qualification: HSLC passed


Scale of Pay: Rs.14000-60500/- Grade Pay Rs.5200/-



2. Grade-IV


No. of Post: 01 (UR)


Qualification: Class VIII passed


Scale of Pay: Rs.14000-60500/- Grade Pay Rs.3900/-


Age limit: Candidates must not be less than 18 years or not more than 40 years of age on 01.01.2020. The upper age limit is relaxable as per Govt. rules.



1. Driver


No. of Post: 01 (UR)


Qualification: HSLC passed


Age limit: Candidates must not be less than 18 years or not more than 40 years of age on 01.01.2020. The upper age limit is relaxable as per Govt. rules.



How to Apply District Fishery Dev Officer Nalbari


•Application are invited from Indian citizens in the prescribe Standard Form as published in Assam Gazette Part-IX.


•Employment Registration No. is mandatory and candidates/applicants must mention the Registration No. along with date of register in their application.


•The application must be accompanied by the following documents.


a) Self attested Xerox copies of the proof of permanent residence of Assam (Voter ID or PRC).


b) Attested copies of all certificate/Mark sheets in support of educational qualification along with age, Caste certificate including valid employment registration card.


c) Two copies of recent passport size photograph duly self attested.


d) A self addressed envelope size (22cm x 10cm) affixing postal stamp of Rs.10/- only.


In case of Driver candidates:


a) Must possess proficiency in Driving.


b) Must possess a valid four wheeler Driving License-LMV) issued by the Competent Authority.


•Application should be submitted only by post to the District Fishery Dev. Officer, Nalbari, Vill.: Barsarkuchi, P.O.- Milanpur, Pin Code-781337, Dist-Nalbari, Assam



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