Employment Tripura Recruitment 2020-21. Apply Online 945 Posts Group-C, Non-Gazetted

Employment Tripura Recruitment 2020-21. Apply Online 945 Posts Group-C, Non-Gazetted

Employment Tripura Recruitment 2020-21

Government of Tripura, Joint Recruitment Board of Tripura (TRBT), Directorate of Employment Services & Manpower Planning (DESMP), Office Land, Agartala has released current employment news for the recruitment of official website employment.tripura.gov.in notification for 945 posts of Agri. Assistant, Junior Operator (Pump) and Junior Multi Tasking Operator (JMTO) (un-common), Group-C, Non-Gazetted in the latest Tripura Vacancies 2020-2021. Candidates are requested to read the contents of the Jobs advertisement and ensure their eligibility before applying.
Application ProcessOnline Form
Job LocationAgartala, Tripura
Last Date11/02/2021
Recruitment BoardEmployment Tripura

Employment Tripura Vacancy Details 2020-21

1. Agri. Assistants

•No. of Posts: 500 (Five hundred)

•Qualification: Update Soon

•Scale of Pay: PB-2, Rs.5700-24000/- + Grade Pay Rs.2200/-

2. Junior Operator (Pump)

•No. of Posts: 236 (Two hundred thirty six)

•Qualification: Update Soon

•Scale of Pay: PB-2, Rs.5700-24000/- + Grade Pay Rs.2100/-

3. Junior Multi Tasking Operator (JMTO) (un-common)

•No. of Posts: 209 (Two hundred nine)

•Qualification: Update Soon

•Scale of Pay: PB-2, Rs.5700-24000/- + Grade Pay Rs.2100/-

Age limit of Employment Tripura Recruitment 2020-21

•Age limit for direct recruitment is 18 to *41 years as on 31st December 2020; Upper age limit is relaxable by 5 years in case of ST/SC/PwDs/Government servant candidates.

*Due to pandemic caused by COVID-19, an additional age relaxation of 1 year is allowed to all category of candidates (Unreserved/reserved candidates and Government servants) as per State Government letter dated 15th July, 2020.

•Candidates from among the discharged 10,323 ad-hoc teachers can apply regardless of their age as per State Government Memorandum letter dated 05th November, 2020.

How to Apply Employment Tripura Recruitment 2020-21

•Intending candidates are instructed to go through in the official website of Directorate of Employment Services & Manpower Planning (DESMP), Tripura for knowing the eligibility criteria, fee details, procedure for online submission of Application and other terms & conditions.

Important Web Links of Employment Tripura Recruitment 2020-21

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