RSC Guwahati Recruitment 2020. Apply 02 for Technician ‘A’ (Fitter) & Artist ‘A’ Vacancy

RSC Guwahati Recruitment 2020. Apply 02 for Technician ‘A’ (Fitter) & Artist ‘A’ Vacancy


RSC Guwahati Recruitment 2020


Regional Science Centre (RSC), Guwahati has released current employment news of official website notification for the recruitment 02 posts of Technician ‘A’ (Fitter) and Artist ‘A’ in the latest Assam Vacancy 2020. Candidates are requested to read the contents of the Jobs advertisement and ensure their eligibility before applying.

Application Process

Offline Form



Last Date

31st December 2020

Recruitment Board

Regional Science Centre

(RSC) Guwahati



RSC Guwahati Vacancy Details 2020



1. Technician ‘A’ (Fitter)


No. of Post: 01 (Reserved for SC)


Qualification: SSC or Matriculation with certificate from ITI or equivalent in Fitting with one year experience after obtaining the certificate for course duration of two years. For candidates obtaining certificates of one year course duration, two years’ relevant experience after obtaining the certificate shall be required.


Scale of Pay: Pay Matrix - Rs.19,900-63,200/- (Level 2) &other allowances as admissible under the rules of NCSM. Total emoluments at starting is Rs.30,935/- per month, approx. at Guwahati.


Age Limit: Not more than 35 years as on 31st December, 2020. Upper age limit is relaxable for the reserved categories, as per Government of India Rules.



2. Artist ‘A’


No. of Post: 01 (Reserved for OBC)


Qualification: Diploma/Certificate in Commercial Art of at least two years duration after SLC and must have one year experience after obtaining the diploma/certificate for course duration of two years. For candidates obtaining diploma/certificates of one year course duration, two years relevant experience after obtaining the certificate shall be required. Candidates having working experience of building and structure painting will be preferred.

Scale of Pay: Pay Matrix - Rs.19,900-63,200/- (Level 2) &other allowances as admissible under the rules of NCSM. Total emoluments at starting is Rs.30,935/- per month, approx. at Guwahati.


Age Limit: Not more than 35 years as on 31st December, 2020. Upper age limit is relaxable for the reserved categories, as per Government of India Rules.



How to Apply RSC Guwahati Recruitment 2020


•The duly filled in application shall be sent to the above address in the prescribed format available in the website – and along with self-attested photocopies of all certificates and testimonials, so as to reach the above address on or before 31st December, 2020.


•Application sent through e-mail or not in the approved format will not be considered and be rejected straightway. Application not accompanied with relevant certificates and testimonials shall be summarily rejected. Decision of the Council in this regard shall be final. The envelope containing the application form should be super-scribed in bold letter as “Application for the post of Artist ‘A’ - (Reserved for OBC) against Advertisement No.04/2020”.




Regional Science Centre

(National Council of Science Museums)

Jawahar Nagar, Khanapara



Important Web Links of RSC Guwahati Recruitment 2020



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