Treasury Manipur Recruitment 2021. Apply 86 for Junior Accounts Assistant, Driver & Grade-IVs Posts

Treasury Manipur Recruitment 2021. Apply 86 for Junior Accounts Assistant, Driver & Grade-IVs Posts


Treasury Manipur Recruitment 2021


Directorate of Treasures & Accounts, Manipur, has released current employment news of official website notification for the recruitment 86 posts of Junior Accounts Assistant, Driver and Grade-IVs in the latest Imphal Vacancies 2020-2021. Candidates are requested to read the contents of the Jobs advertisement and ensure their eligibility before applying.


Application Process

Offline Form


Lamphelpat, Manipur

Last Date

04th January 2021

Recruitment Board

Directorate of Treasures &

Accounts Manipur



Treasury Manipur Vacancy Details 2021



1. Junior Accounts Assistant (JAA)


No. of Posts: 59 [UR: 31, ST: 18, SC: 01, OBC (M): 07 & OBC (MP): 02


Qualification: Graduates who have completed Course on Computer Concepts (CCC) (IDOS + Windows + MS Office + Multimedia + Internet) of a Central/State recognized institute.


Pay Scale: Level-4, Rs.5200-20200 + Grade Pay Rs.2000



2. Driver


No. of Posts: 02 [UR]




(i) Matriculate/Equivalent from any recognized Institution.


(ii) Driving license (Light Motor Vehicle) from a State Licensing authority with 3 years experience in Driving.


Pay Scale: Level-3, Rs.5200-20200 + Grade Pay Rs.1900/-



3. Peon


No. of Posts: 14 [UR: 08, ST: 04 & OBC (M): 02]


Qualification: Matriculate/Equivalent from any recognized Institution.




(i) Good Physique


(ii) Knowledge of cycling


Pay Scale: Level-1, Rs.4440-7440 + Grade Pay Rs.1650/-



4. Chowkidar


No. of Posts: 04 [UR: 03 & ST: 01]


Qualification: Matriculate/Equivalent from any recognized Institution.




(i) Good Physique


(ii) Knowledge of cycling


Pay Scale: Level-1, Rs.4440-7440 + Grade Pay Rs.1650/-



5. Peon-cum-Chowkidar


No. of Posts: 02 [UR]


Qualification: Matriculate/Equivalent from any recognized Institution.




(i) Good Physique


(ii) Knowledge of cycling


Pay Scale: Level-1, Rs.4440-7440 + Grade Pay Rs.1650/-



6. Sweeper


No. of Post: 01 [UR]


Qualification: Matriculate/Equivalent from any recognized Institution.




(i) Good Physique


(ii) Knowledge of cycling


Pay Scale: Level-1, Rs.4440-7440 + Grade Pay Rs.1650/-



7. Chowkidar-cum-Sweeper


No. of Posts: 04 [UR: 03 & ST: 01]


Qualification: Matriculate/Equivalent from any recognized Institution.




(i) Good Physique


(ii) Knowledge of cycling


Pay Scale: Level-1, Rs.4440-7440 + Grade Pay Rs.1650/-



Age limit of Treasury Manipur Recruitment 2021


•A candidate must have attained the age of 18 years and must not have attained the age of 38 years on the 14th December, 2020 i.e. he/she must have been born not earlier than 15th December, 1982 and not later than 14th December, 2002. The permission relaxation in upper age limit for different categories is as under:-


√SC/ST: 5 years


√OBC: 3 years


√PWD: ST/SC-15 years, OBC-13 years, UR-10 years


▪Note: The Date of Birth filled by the candidate in the application form must be the same as recorded in his/her Matriculation Certificate issued by a recognized Board/Council of the State or Central Government.



Syllabus of Treasury Manipur Recruitment 2021


Junior Accounts Assistant (JAA):-


√General English: 50 marks

√General Knowledge: 50 marks

√Computer (Practical): 50 marks


*Questions for General English and General Knowledge will be purely based on multiple choice questions (MCQs).





√General Knowledge: 50 marks


*Questions will be purely based on multiple choice questions (MCQs)



Application fee of Treasury Manipur Recruitment 2021


•Candidates are required to pay applicable fee at the time of submission of forms.


•The fees payable are indicated as under:-


√Junior Accounts Assistant and Driver:-


UR/OBC: Rs.500/-

SC/ST: Rs.250




UR/OBC: Rs.200

SC/ST: Rs.100



How to Apply Treasury Manipur Recruitment 2021


•The willing and eligible candidates should get their names sponsored by the Employment Exchange concerned on or before 29th December, 2020. Thereafter, the sponsored candidates should submit the duly filled-in application form along with the required self-attested copies of certificates and marks sheets on or before 4th January, 2021 at the Office of the Directorate of Treasuries & Accounts, Manipur at D.C. Complex, Lamphelpat.


Documents to be submitted: Completed application form for the respective categories of posts along with 4 (four) numbers of recent passport size photographs [2 Nos. to be affixed on the admit card; 1 No. o the Application form and 1 No. to be separately stapled on application form] and self attested copies of the educational documents and ST/SC/OBC/PWD Certificates.



Important dates of Treasury Manipur Recruitment 2021



Date of Notification


Date of requisite from Employment Exchange


Last date of requisition from Employment Exchange


Date of issue of forms


Last date of forms submission


Issue of Admit Card

To be notified later

Date of Written Examination

To be notified later

Computer Skill Test (*for the post of JAA only)

To be notified later



Important Web Links of Treasury Manipur Recruitment 2021



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