ASWC Guwahati Recruitment 2021: Manager Vacancy

ASWC Guwahati Recruitment 2021: Manager Vacancy


ASWC Guwahati Recruitment 2021

Assam State Warehousing Corporation (ASWC), Guwahati has released current employment news for the recruitment of official website notification for 01 post of Manager (Finance & Accounts) in the latest Assam Vacancy 2021. Candidates are requested to read the contents of the Jobs advertisement and ensure their eligibility before applying.


Application Process

Online/Offline Form

Job Location


Last Date

05th February 2021

Recruitment Board

Warehouse Assam Government



ASWC Guwahati Vacancy Details 2021



Manager (Finance & Accounts)


No. of Post: 01 (One)


Qualification: Candidate shall be Bachelor in Commerce with specialization in Accountancy/ Finance or CA Intern Pass/ICWA Intern Pass/CICWA with at least 5 years working experience in the supervisory capacity in a Govt./Semi-Govt/Govt. Undertaking of reputes. Preference will be given to the candidates having outstanding, qualification and experience as an Accounts Officer/Dy. Accounts Office and also must have experience in working with Tally Accounting Software in a proficient manner.


Experience: 5 (five) years minimum experience in the similar nature of works and capacity.


Age limit: Maximum 45 years as on 01.01.2021 (5 years relaxation for ST/SC candidate and 3 years relaxation for OBC/MOBC candidates).



Application fee of ASWC Guwahati Recruitment 2021


The candidate will have to pay the application fees as follows:-


(a) For General/OBC/MOBC candidate Rs.500/- only


(b) For ST/SC candidate Rs.250/- only. The amount of the application fees may be paid through Demand Draft in favour of “Assam State Warehousing Corporation” payable at Guwahati in any branch of Nationalized/Scheduled Bank.



How to Apply ASWC Guwahati Recruitment 2021


√The application with necessary bio-data/testimonials (Xerox copies) should be sent to the following address through Speed Post or by hand super scribing the post applied for on top of the envelope. The application may also be sent through Email ID The address of receipt is: The Managing Director, Assam State Warehousing Corporation, Amarawati Path, Christian Basti, Guwahati-781005. The last date for submission of application is fixed on 05.02.2021.


Mandatory particulars to be enclosed with the application are:-


▪HSLC Admit Card, Pass Certificate & Mark Sheet, HSSLC pass Certificate & Mark sheet, Degree Passed Certificate and Mark Sheer, Certificates of other qualification if any, Caste Certificate, Experience Certificate, Certificate of Computer Knowledge/Tally Software etc.


▪All the documents/photocopies should duly be self-attested & two copies of recent passport size photographs.


▪The applicants will enclose a self-addressed envelope along with the contact number.



Important Web Links of ASWC Guwahati Recruitment 2021


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