BPD Assam Recruitment 2021. Apply 01 for Junior Assistant (JA) Vacancy

BPD Assam Recruitment 2021. Apply 01 for Junior Assistant (JA) Vacancy


BPD Assam Recruitment 2021


Border Protection and Development (BPD), Assam has released current employment news for the recruitment 01 post of Junior Assistant (JA) in the latest Assam Vacancy 2021. Candidates are requested to read the contents of the Jobs advertisement and ensure their eligibility before applying.


Application Process

Offline Form

Job Location

Jawaharnagar, Guwahati-22

Last Date

15 days (22nd January 2021)

Recruitment Board

Directorate of Border Protection

and Development Assam



BPD Assam Vacancy Details 2021



Junior Assistant (JA)


No. of Post: 01 (Unreserved)




The candidate must possess a Bachelor Degree from a recognized University or any Examination declared equivalent by the Government.


Moreover, the candidate must possess a Diploma in Computer proficiency of minimum 12 (Twelve) months from a recognized Institute with skill for handling data and test both in English and Assamese typing on Computer.


Scale of Pay: Rs.14000-60500/- + GP Rs.6200 (Pay Band-2) plus other allowances.



Age: Candidate should not be more than 40 years and less than 18 years of age as on 01st January, 2021. Upper age limit is relaxable as under:-


(i)  5 (five) years in case of candidates belonging to SC/STP/STH

(ii) 3 (three) years in case of candidates belonging to OBC/MOBC

(iii) 2 (two) years for Ex-serviceman candidates

(iv) 10 (ten) years for PwD candidates



Selection Procedure of BPD Assam Jobs 2021


(a) Candidates whose application are accepted will be required to appear in an objective type written test to be held in the State Head Quarter i.e. Guwahati, Assam on a date and venue to be notified later. The syllabus of the objective type Written Test will be as follows:-


√General English: 40 marks

√General Knowledge: 30 marks

√Quantitative Aptitude: 30 marks


The candidates belonging to PwD shall be allowed 30 minutes of extra time as application for written test.


(b) After the Written Test, the short listed candidates will have to appear in a Computer (Practical) Test (10 marks) and schedule will be intimated accordingly.


(c) Final selection will be done on the basis of merit (Aggregate marks obtained in the Written Test and Computer Practical Test).


(d) There will be no waiting list of selected candidates against the vacancy advertised.



How to Apply BPD Assam Jobs 2021


√Applications are invited from eligible candidates who are citizens of India and having Registration No. in the Employment Exchange in the State of Assam. The prescribed Standard Form of Application published in Part-IX of Assam Gazette in the Directorate of Border Protection and Development, Assam, Jawaharnagar, Guwahati-22.


√Applicants should submit their applications along with self certified photocopies of all the testimonials for proof of qualification, Age, Caste Certificate, Employment Exchange Registration Card etc.


√3 (three) copies of recent passport size photograph of the candidate duly self certified is to be submitted.


√One self addressed envelope of 10x4.5/ affixing postal stamp of Rs.5/- must be enclosed with the application.



Important Web Links of BPD Assam Jobs 2021


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