DHT Assam Demonstrator Recruitment 2021. Apply 38 Vacancy

DHT Assam Demonstrator Recruitment 2021. Apply 38 Vacancy


DHT Assam Demonstrator Recruitment 2021

Directorate of Handloom & Textile (DHT), Assam has released current employment news for the recruitment of official website assamhandloom.com notification for 38 posts of Demonstrator in the latest Guwahati Vacancy 2021. Candidates are requested to read the contents of the Jobs advertisement and ensure their eligibility before applying.


Application Process

Offline Form

Job Location


Last Date

09th February 2021

Recruitment Board

Handloom & Textile Assam



DHT Assam Vacancy Details 2021





No. of Posts: 38 (Open Category: 13, OBC: 05, SC: 01, STP: 08, STH: 07 & EWS: 04)


Eligibility Criteria:


i) Candidates must be citizen of India within meaning of Article 5 to 8 of the Constitution of India and must be a permanent resident of Assam.


ii) The candidate must produce Registration Certificate of Employment Exchange in the State of Assam along with the application form.


Educational Qualification: A candidate should be HSLC or equivalent examination passed and 2 (two) years certificate course in Textile Technology or Handloom Technology from any recognized Institute or Certificate Course from Handloom Training Institute of the Department of Handloom & Textile, Assam.


Scale of Pay: Rs.14,000/- to Rs.60,500/- + Grade Pay Rs.6,200/- in Pay Band-2


Age: A candidate must not be less than 18 years of age and not more than 40 years for unreserved category, 43 years for OBC/MOBC and 45 years for SC/STP/STH and 50 years for Persons with Disabilities (PwD), as on 01.01.2021. This relaxation shall be applicable only to those candidates who have attained the necessary educational or other qualifications prior to crossing of their existing upper age limit of 40 years.



How to Apply DHT Assam Demonstrator Recruitment 2021


√The envelope containing the application form (Assam Gazette Part-IX) along with necessary documents clearly marked as “Application for the post of Demonstrator, Category-SC/ST/OBC/EWS/ PWD” shall be addressed to “The Director, Handloom & Textile, Assam, Vastha Bhawan, Ambari, Guwahati-1” and submitted in the application box of the Directorate.


√The applications are to be submitted with the following requisite attached thereto.


(a) 1 (one) self addressed envelope of 5cm x 11cm affixing unused postal stamp of Rs.10.00 (Rupees ten) only.


(b) Self attested copies of all certificates in support of educational qualification, age, caste etc.


(c) Attested copy of PWD/EWS certificate issued by Competent Authority. EWS candidates must produce Income & Assets certificate of the family.


(d) 2 (tw0) copies of recent passport size photographs signed and dated by the candidate on reverse side.


(e) Attested copy of valid registration certificate of Employment Exchange.


Important Web Link of DHT Assam Demonstrator Recruitment 2021


Assam Gazette Part-IX


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