DTE Gangtok Recruitment 2021. 20 Vacancy for Lecturer, Professor, Librarian, Civil Engineer & Other

DTE Gangtok Recruitment 2021. 20 Vacancy for Lecturer, Professor, Librarian, Civil Engineer & Other


DTE Gangtok Recruitment 2021


Directorate of Technical Education (DTE), Tashiling, Gangtok has released current employment news for the recruitment 20 posts of Lecturer, Professor, Librarian, Lab Technician in Civil Engineer and other various latest Govt Jobs in Sikkim Vacancy 2021. Candidates are requested to read the contents of the Jobs advertisement and ensure their eligibility before applying.


Application Process

Offline Form

Job Location

Tashiling, Gangtok-737103

Last date

21st January 2021

Recruitment Board

Directorate of Technical Education



DTE Gangtok Vacancy Details 2021



1. Lecturer


No of Posts: 04 (Four)


Eligibility Qualification as per AICTE:


BE/B.Tech/BS in relevant discipline with First Class or equivalent.


Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree in relevant disciplines with First Class in either of the two at the time of selection.


Pay Scale: Level-9A & 10, Entry Pay Rs.56100/- & Rs.57700/-



2. Professor & HOD


No of Posts: 02 (Two)




a. Ph.D. degree in relevant field and first class or equivalent at either Bachelor’s or Master’s level in the relevant branch.


b. Minimum of 10 years of experience in teaching/research/industry out of which at least 3 years shall be at a post equivalent to that of an Associate Professor.


c. At least 6 research publications at the level of Associate Professor in SCI/Web of Science/Scopus Journals/UGC/AICTE approved list of Journals and at least 2 successful Ph.D. guided as Supervisor/Co-supervisor.




At least 10 research publications at the level of Associate Professor in SCI Journals/UGC/AICTE approved list of Journals.


Pay Scale: Rs.144200/-



3. Associate Professor


No of Posts: 02 (Two)




a. Ph.D. degree in relevant field and first class or equivalent at either Bachelor’s or Master’s level in the relevant branch.


b. At least total 6 research publications in SCI journals/UGC/AICTE approved list of journals.


c. Minimum of 8 years of experience in teaching/research/industry out of which at least 2 years shall be Post Ph.D. experience.


Pay Scale: Rs.131400/-



4. Assistant Professor


No of Posts: 04 (Four)


Eligibility: BE/B.Tech and ME/M.Tech in relevant branch with first class or equivalent in any one of the degrees.


Pay Scale: Rs.57700/-



5. Librarian


No of Post: 01 (One)




1. Master’s Degree in Library Science/Information Science/Documentation Science or an equivalent Professional Degree with at least First Class or equivalent and a consistently good academic record with knowledge of computerization of library.


2. Qualifying in the National Level Test conducted for the purpose by UGC or other equivalent test (SLET/SET) as approved by the UGC.


3. Two years experience in the similar field.


Pay Scale: Rs.57700/-



6. Lab Technician in Civil Engineer


No of Posts: 02 (Two)


Eligibility: Diploma/BE/B.Tech in Civil Engineer.


Pay Scale: Rs.37100/-



7. Lab Technician in Computer Engineer


No of Post: 01 (One)


Eligibility: Diploma/BE/B.Tech in Computer Engineer/CSE/IT/BCA.


Pay Scale: Rs.37100/-



8. Lab Technician in Electrical & Electronic Engineer


No of Post: 01 (One)


Eligibility: Diploma/BE/B.Tech in Electricals & Electronics/Electrical Engineer/Mechatronics.


Pay Scale: Rs.37100/-



9. Lab Technician in Mechanical Engineer


No of Post: 01 (One)


Eligibility: Diploma/BE/B.Tech in Mechanical/Production Engineer.


Pay Scale: Rs.37100/-



10. Lab Assistant in Physics Department


No of Post: 01 (One)


Eligibility: B.Sc. with Physics as one of the subject with 1 year experience in same field.


Pay Scale: Rs.39100/-



11. Lab Assistant in Chemistry Department


No of Post: 01 (One)


Eligibility: B.Sc. with Physics as one of the subject with 1 year experience in same field.


Pay Scale: Rs.39100/-



Age limit: As per Government of Sikkim Norms for Assistant Professor, Librarian, Lab Technician and Lab Assistant. For Associate Professor and Professor/HOD, the candidate should not be more than 55 years of age.


How to Apply DTE Gangtok Jobs 2021


√Candidates fulfilling the above criteria may download the application form available in the official website of Education Department www.sikkimhrdd.org and submit the form in the prescribed format along with all necessary relevant documents, in Room No. 609, Top Floor, Education Department or SIST Chisopani with a demand draft of Rs.500/- (non-refundable) drawn in favour of SIST, Chisopani, payable at Jorethang. The application form may be submitted between 11 AM to 3 PM on all working days from 8th January, 2021 to 27th January, 2021. No application shall be accepted after 3 PM on 27th January, 2021. The Department will not be responsible for late receipt of application due to postal delay or otherwise.


For details contact: 9734042435, 9733123923, 9434144077


Email: techedushm@gmail.com, sist.sikkim@gmail.com



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