TTWD Assam Recruitment 2021. Apply Online 97 for SPM, PM, MIS Manager, Accounts Manager & DEO Vacancy

TTWD Assam Recruitment 2021. Apply Online 97 for SPM, PM, MIS Manager, Accounts Manager & DEO Vacancy

TTWD Assam Jobs

TTWD Assam Recruitment 2021


Tea Tribes Welfare Department (TTWD), Assam has released current employment news for the recruitment 97 posts of SPM, PM, State MIS Manager, Accounts Manager, DEO various contractual programme management unit for Directorate of Tea Tribes Welfare under Govt. of Assam in the latest Vacancy 2021. Candidates are requested to read the contents of the Jobs advertisement and ensure their eligibility before applying.


Application Process

Online Form

Job Location


Last Date

25th January 2021

Recruitment Board

Tea Tribes Welfare

Department (TTWD) Assam



TTWD Assam Vacancy Details 2021



1. State Programme Manager at State HQ


No of Post: 01 (One)


Qualification: Masters in Social works/Sociology, MBA (HR), Mass Communication.


Experience: 3 years experience in Govt. PSU/Autonomous Body with 1 year Diploma in Computer Application from any Govt. recognized Institute.


Salary: Rs.35000/- + Rs.10000/- (TA)


Age (as on 31.03.2020): Minimum 21 years and Maximum 45 years



2. Programme Managers at Sub-Divisional HQs


No of Posts: 46 (Forty Six)


Qualification: Graduate in any discipline.


Experience: Preferably 2 years experience in Govt. PSU/Autonomous Body with 6 months Diploma in Computer Application from any Govt. recognized Institute.


Salary: Rs.18000/- + Rs.3000/- (TA)


Age (as on 31.03.2020): Minimum 21 years and Maximum 45 years



3. State MIS Manager at State HQ


No of Post: 01 (One)


Qualification: BE in Computer Science/Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering/MCA from Govt. recognized University or Institute.


Experience: Must have 1 year proficiency in Office Database Management.


Salary: Rs.30000/-


Age (as on 31.03.2020): Minimum 21 years and Maximum 45 years



4. Accounts Manager at State HQ


No of Post: 01 (One)


Qualification: Graduate in Commerce stream.


Experience: Must have Computer proficiency in MS Office applications specially MS-Excel & Tally.


Salary: Rs.25000/-


Age (as on 31.03.2020): Minimum 21 years and Maximum 62 years



5. Data Entry Operators (State & Sub-Division levels)


No of Posts: 48 (Forty Eight)


Qualification: PU/HSSLC or equivalent exam.


Experience: Must have Computer proficiency in MS Office with a minimum typing speed of 40 (forty) words per minute in English & Assamese/Bengali.


Salary: State Level Rs.15000/- & Sub-Divisional Level Rs.12000/-


Age (as on 31.03.2020): Minimum 21 years and Maximum 45 years



Selection Procedure of TTWD Assam Recruitment 2021


√Candidates whose application is found correct in all respects will be called for a written test which will be conducted in the State Headquarter. The candidates will have to appear for the written test in the venue mentioned in his/her call letter. However, the Director, Tea Tribes Welfare, Assam reserves the right to change the venues of the test as per convenience and no representation etc. will be entertained in this regard. There will be a separate written test for State Programme Manager, Programme Managers, Accounts Manager, State MIS Manager & Data Entry Operators.



Written Test of TTWD Assam Recruitment 2021


√The written test will be of 200 marks and will be completely OMR based. The questions will be set in five parts:-


(i) Logical reasoning and aptitude.


(ii) Mattes relating to History and Culture of Assam and India.


(iii) Comprehensive.


(iv) General Knowledge an Current Affairs and


(v) Domain Expert.


√Candidates will use black ball pen to answer the OMR based answer sheet.


√The decision of the Tea Tribes Welfare Department as to the eligibility or otherwise of a candidate for admission to the examination shall be final.



Mode of Selection of TTWD Assam Recruitment 2021




√The candidates whose applications are accepted will be required to appear in an objective type written test to be held in the State Head Quarters i.e. Guwahati, Assam on a date and venue to be notified later. The syllabus of the objective type written test will be as follows:-


1. General Knowledge, Current Affairs, Logical reasoning and Aptitude: 100 marks & time 90 minutes

2. General English, History & Culture of Assam and Computer Theory: 50 marks & time 30 minutes

3. Domain Expert/Knowledge about Tea Community of Assam: 50 marks & time 30 minutes




√Against each vacancy, 5 (five) candidates will be shortlisted on the basis of the marks obtained in the written test. After the written test, candidates of all the categories have to appear in a Computer Practical Test to be held centrally in Guwahati. Total marks for the Computer (Practical) Test will be of 50 marks. They will have to bring all the original testimonials i.e. Age Proof Certificate, Caste Certificate, Educational Qualification Certificate, Computer Proficiency Certificate, etc. for document verification.




√After completion of the Computer Practical Tests, the selection of candidates for Data Entry Operators will be finalized on merit basis. However, candidates for State Programme Manager, Programme Managers, State MIS Manager and Accounts Manager will have to appear for Viva-voce exam at 2 candidates for 1 post.



How to Apply TTWD Assam Jobs 2021


Candidates are required to upload the supporting documents like Age proof certificate, caste certificate, educational qualification certificate, computer proficiency certificate, PWD certificate, etc. in the link directly



Important Web Links of TTWD Assam Jobs 2021


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