APPSC Itanagar Recruitment 2021. Arunachal Pradesh Public Service Commission (APPSC), Itanagar under the Department of Home Government of Arunachal Pradesh has released current employment news for the recruitment 13 posts of Sub-Inspector (Telecommunication and Radio Technician) in Civil Police Vacancy. Candidates are requested to read the contents of the Jobs advertisement and ensure their eligibility before applying.
Application Process |
Online Form |
Job Location |
Arunachal Pradesh |
Last Date |
15th March 2021 |
Recruitment Board |
Arunachal Pradesh Public Service Commission (APPSC) |
APPSC Itanagar Vacancy 2021 Details
1. Sub-Inspector (Telecommunication)
No. of Posts: 10 (APST: 08 & Unreserved: 02)
Qualification: B.E./B.Tech. (Electronics and Communication)/Bachelor of Science with Physics or Chemistry or Mathematics from any recognized University.
Pay Matrix: Level-6, Rs.35400-112400/- per month + other allowances.
2. Sub-Inspector (Radio Technician)
No. of Posts: 03 (APST)
Qualification: B.E./B.Tech. (Electronics and Communication)/Bachelor of Science with Physics or Chemistry or Mathematics from any recognized University.
Pay Matrix: Level-6, Rs.35400-112400/- per month + other allowances.
Age limit of APPSC Itanagar Civil Police Recruitment
A candidate must not be less than 21 years and above 26 years of age as on 15.03.2021. However, the upper age limit is relaxable, in accordance with the orders issued by the Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh, from time to time, in respect of Arunachal Pradesh Scheduled Tribe candidates.
Qualifying Requirements of APPSC Itanagar Civil Police
Physical Standards:
(a) Height
(i) Male: 165 cm (Non-APST) & 160 cm (APST)
(ii)Female: 157 cm (Non-APST), 152 cm (APST) and 152 cm for Male and Female APST candidates, belonging to Tirap, Changlang and Longding Districts of Arunachal Pradesh.
(b) Chest
(i) Male: 79 cms & 84 cms
(ii) Female: Not Applicable
(c) Both Eyes Vision: Distance vision-better eye (corrected vision)-6/12. Near vision-J1 (corrected) J2 (corrected).
Physical Efficiency Tests: (Physical Efficiency Test will be qualifying in nature).
(a) 100 m Run: 16 seconds (Male), 19 seconds (Female)
(b) 1500 m Run (Male): 8 minutes
(c) 800 m Run (Female): 5 minutes
(d) High Jump (Three Attempts)
(i) Male: 107 cms
(ii) Female: 90 cms
(e) Long Jump
(i) Male: 11 fit
(ii) Female: 09 ft
Medical Fitness: After qualifying in Physical Standards Tests (PST), the Physical Efficiency Tests and having passed the Written Examinations, candidates will be medically examined (tested) at TRIHMS, Naharlagun, A.P. before being cleared for Viva-voce/Interview.
Selection Procedure of APPSC Itanagar Civil Police 2021
(a) Stage: 1- Physical Standards and Physical Efficiency Tests (As per Paragraphs 6 and 7 above).
(b) Stage:2- Written Examination. (This will be descriptive in nature. However, if the number of candidates qualified for the Written Examination is large; the Commission may conduct an OMR based Objective Type Test on ‘General Knowledge’, before conducting the Written Examination).
(c) Stage:3- Interview/Viva-voce.
Written Examination of APPSC Itanagar Civil Police 2021
The Written Examination will comprise the following test papers:-
(a) General English: 100 marks
(b) General Knowledge (Objective): 100 marks
(c) Technical Paper: 100 marks
(i) Physics (Class-XII Standard): 30 marks
(ii) Chemistry (Class-XII Standard): 30 marks
(iii) Mathematics (Class XII Standard): 40 marks
(iv) Interview/Viva-voce: 40 marks
Candidates have to score a minimum of 33% in each subject paper and an overall minimum aggregate of 45% in the Written Examination, to be eligible for the Interview/Viva-voce (subject to them being declared medically fit) of these eligible candidates, the commission will invite candidates, up to three times the number of posts advertised, for the interview/viva-voce).
How to Apply of APPSC Itanagar Recruitment 2021
Before filling the Online Application Form for the posts advertised, Applicants must mandatorily undertake (One Time Registration on the Commission’s website
Applications are required to apply online on the commission website. Detailed instructions for One Time Registration (OTR) and filling up the online application form are available on the above website. Applicants are required to apply only once. However, if due to any reason, an Applicant submits more than one Application Form, then he/she must ensure that the Application Form submitted last (with the higher Registration Identification (RID), is complete in all respects; like Applicant Details, Photograph, Signature, Photo ID, Fee etc. The Commission will only accept the Application Form with higher RID. The fee paid against one RID is not adjustable against any other RID.
Important Web Links of APPSC Itanagar Recruitment
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