DC Office Jorhat Grade-III Recruitment 2021. 21 Vacancy for Mandal @ Apply Online

DC Office Jorhat Grade-III Recruitment 2021. 21 Vacancy for Mandal @ Apply Online

DC Office Jorhat Grade-III Recruitment 2021. Office of the Deputy Commissioner (DC), Jorhat has released current employment news for the recruitment 21 position of Mandal (Grade-III) Vacancy 2021. Candidates are requested to read the contents of the Jobs advertisement and ensure their eligibility before applying.

Application Process

Online Form

Job Location

Jorhat, Assam

Last Date

13th February 2021

Recruitment Board

Niyukti Assam Government

DC Office Jorhat Vacancy 2021 Details

Mandal (Grade-III)

√No. of Posts: 21 [Unreserved: 11, OBC/MOBC: 02, SC: 02, STP: 01 & STH: 05]

√Educational Qualification: 

(a) The candidate must have passed the HSLC examination or equivalent examination.

(b) The candidate must possess valid 6 (six) months RCCC training certificate from Assam Survey & Settlement training Centre, Dakhingaon, Guwahati.

(c) The candidate must possess 6 (six) months Diploma/Certificate (both English & Assamese) in computer proficiency from a recognized Institute.

√Pay Band: Rs.14,000-60,500/- and Grade Pay of Rs.6,200/- per month with other allowances as admissible under the rules.

Eligibility Criteria of DC Office Jorhat Recruitment 2021

√Candidate must not be less than 18 years and not more than 40 years of age on 01st January, 2021. The upper age relaxation for SC & ST candidates is up to 45 years and for OBC/MOBC candidates is up to 43 years.

Selection Procedure of DC Office Jorhat Recruitment 2021

√Phase-I: The candidates, whose applications are accepted as per eligibility criteria shall have to appear in a written test. The written test (Paper-I) will consist of 100 marks of objective type question comprising of questions from General English/Assamese/General Knowledge and Knowledge on Survey and settlement. The duration of written test will be 1 (one) hour.

√Phase-II: 1:2 nos. of candidates will be selected on the basis of the marks obtained in the written examination against the each category of the post. The selection candidates shall have to appear in a Computer type writing test of 50 marks in both Assamese and English language.

√The final list shall be prepared on the basis of marks obtained in both written test and computer test. The selection will be strictly on merit basis and the character and antecedent will be verified through the concerned superintendent of Police before issue of appointment letter.

How to Apply of DC Office Jorhat Recruitment 2021

√The application must be submitted online through niyukti.assam.gov.in/Imjorhat. No other forms of application will be entertained. Candidates will be required to upload scanned copies of all testimonials such as Educational Qualification certificate, RCCC training passed certificate, Income & Asset certificate in Annexure-I for Economically Weaker Section (EWS) category, Age proof certificates, Caste certificate, valid employment exchange card, Good qualify of photograph with white background. The candidates already in service must apply through proper channel and upload scanned copy of NOC of the HOD of the parent department. 

√The applications will be received online from 10 AM of 07.02.2021 to 5 PM of 13.02.2021.

Important Web Links of DC Office Jorhat Recruitment 2021

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