GCC Guwahati Recruitment 2021. 07 for Assistant Professor Vacancy

GCC Guwahati Recruitment 2021. 07 for Assistant Professor Vacancy

Gauhati Commerce College (GCC) Guwahati Recruitment 2021. Gauhati Commerce College (GCC) has released current employment news for the recruitment 07 posts of Assistant Professor Vacancy 2021. Candidates are requested to read the contents of the Jobs advertisement and ensure their eligibility before applying.

Application Process

Offline Form

Job Location


Last Date

03rd March 2021

Recruitment Board

Gauhati Commerce College

GCC Guwahati Vacancy 2021 Details

Assistant Professor

No. of Posts: 07 [Seven]

#English: 01 (OBC/MOBC)
#Mathematics: 02 (OBC/MOBC)
#Accountancy: 02 (STP: 01 & OBC/MOBC: 01)
#Management: 01 (UR) 
#Commerce: 01 (STP)

Educational Qualification: 

√Must secure at least 55% marks (or equivalent grade in a point scale) at the Master Degree level in the relevant subject and must have cleared NET/SLET/SET conducted by UGC/CSIR.

√Candidates who were awarded Ph.D. degree in accordance with the UGC (Minimum standard and procedure for award of Ph.D. Degree) Regulation, 2009 shall be exempted from the requirement of minimum eligibility condition of NET/SLET/SET. A relaxation of 5% marks may be provided for SC/ST/PWD candidates. A relaxation of 5% marks may be provided to the Ph.D. holders who have obtained their Master Degree prior to 19/09/1991.

√Candidates must have PRC certificate and proficiency in local language.

√For the post of Assistant Professor in Mathematics, applicants must have Statistics as a subject in Degree level.

How to Apply of GCC Guwahati Recruitment 2021

√Application in prescribed format in DHE, Assam along with complete bio-data and self attested copies of all testimonials from HSLC onwards.

√Application with all relevant documents along with a Demand Draft of Rs.1500/- (Non-refundable) drawn in favour of Principal, Guwahati Commerce College payable at Union Bank of India, Chandmari Branch must reach the office of the undersigned on or before 03.03.2021. 

Important Web Links of GCC Guwahati Recruitment 2021

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