Irrigation Jorhat Recruitment 2021. Apply 7 Vacancy Peon, Chowkidar and Khalashi

Irrigation Jorhat Recruitment 2021. Apply 7 Vacancy Peon, Chowkidar and Khalashi

Irrigation Jorhat Recruitment 2021. Government of Assam Office of the Superintending Engineer, Jorhat Mechanical Circle (Irrigation), Jorhat, Assam has released current employment news for the recruitment 07 posts Peon, Chowkidar and Khalashi Vacancy Online Application. Candidates are requested to read the contents of the Jobs advertisement and ensure their eligibility before applying.


Application Process

Online Form

Job Location

Jorhat, Assam

Last Date

26th February 2021

Recruitment Board

Niyukti Assam Govt



Irrigation Jorhat Vacancy 2021 Details



1. Peon


No. of Posts: 03 [Unreserved: 02 & OBC/MOBC: 01]


Division: O/o The Superintending Engineer, Jorhat Mechanical Circle (Irrigation), Jorhat


Educational Qualification: VIII passed.



2. Peon


No. of Post: 01 [STP]


Division: O/o The Executive Engineer, Jorhat Mechanical Division (Irrigation), Jorhat


Educational Qualification: VIII passed.



3. Chowkidar


No. of Post: 01 [Unreserved]


Division: O/o The Executive Engineer, Jorhat Mechanical Division (Irrigation), Jorhat


Educational Qualification: VIII passed.



4. Khalashi


No. of Post: 01 [Unreserved]


Division: O/o The Executive Engineer, Jorhat Mechanical Division (Irrigation), Jorhat


Educational Qualification: VIII passed.



5. Peon


No. of Post: 01 [STP]


Division: O/o The Executive Engineer, Upper Assam Drilling Division (Irrigation) Jorhat


Educational Qualification: VIII passed.


Age limit of Irrigation Jorhat Recruitment


Candidates must not be less than 18 years and not more than 40 years of age on 01st January 2021. The upper age limit for SC and ST candidate is up to 45 years and for OBC/MOBC candidates is up to 43 years.



How to Apply of Irrigation Jorhat Recruitment


The applications must be submitted online through the following website as per post at No others forms of application will be entertained. The candidates already in service must apply through proper channel and upload scanned copy of NOC of the concerned department.


The applications will be received online from the date of 16.02.2021 up to the Midnight of 26.02.2021.


Applicants should read all the following instructions before applying:-


(a) Scan your Passport size colour Photograph and make it ready for uploading. The image size should be minimum 20KB and should not exceed 50KB and the image dimension should be 3.5cm by 2.5cm. The image format should be jpg or jpeg or png. No other format of image will be accepted.


(b) Scan your Specimen Signature and make it ready for uploading. Size should be minimum 10KB and should not exceed 30KB and the image dimension should be 1.5cm by 2.5cm. The image format should be jpg or jpeg or png. No other format of image will be accepted.


(c) Scan your documents. Size should not exceed 200KB. The document format should be jpg or jpeg of png or pdf. No other format will be accepted. Documents required to upload are as follows:-


(i) Age Proof.

(ii) Class VIII Pass Certificate.

(iii) HSLC Certificate (optional).

(iv) HS Certificate (optional).

(v) Employment Exchange Registration Card (optional).

(vi) Caste Certificate (if applicable).

(vii) Residential Certificate (PRC/Aadhaar/Voter ID etc.)



Important Web Links of Irrigation Jorhat Recruitment


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