Soil Directorate Assam Recruitment 2021. 143 Vacancy for Grade-III & IV @ Online Form

Soil Directorate Assam Recruitment 2021. 143 Vacancy for Grade-III & IV @ Online Form

Soil Directorate Assam Grade-III & IV Recruitment 2021. has released current employment news for the recruitment 143 posts of Junior Assistant, Soil Conservation Demonstrator & Field Worker, Surveyor, Stenographer, Foreman and other various Soil Assam Vacancy 2021 Online Application. Candidates are requested to read the contents of the Jobs advertisement and ensure their eligibility before applying.


Application Process

Online Form

Job Location

All Assam

Last Date

12th February 2021

Recruitment Board

Soil Assam Government



Soil Directorate Assam Vacancy 2021 Details



1. Junior Assistant (HQ)


No. of Posts: 06 [UR: 03, OBC/MOBC: 02 & SC: 01]


Qualification: Graduate in any discipline with 6 months diploma in Computer Application with English and Assamese typing.


Scale of Pay: PB-2, Rs.14000-60500/- + GP Rs.6200/- per month



2. Junior Assistant (D/L)


No. of Posts: 16 [UR: 10, OBC/MOBC: 03, STP: 01 & SC: 02]


Qualification: Graduate in any discipline with 6 months diploma in Computer Application with English and Assamese typing.


Scale of Pay: PB-2, Rs.14000-60500/- + GP Rs.6200/- per month



3. Social Conservation Demonstrator (Jr.)


No. of Posts: 05 [UR]


Qualification: HSSLC Passed.


Scale of Pay: PB-2, Rs.14000-60500/- + GP Rs.6200/- per month



4. Social Conservation Field Worker


No. of Posts: 85 [UR: 47, OBC/MOBC: 27, SC: 07 & STP: 04]


Qualification: HSLC Passed.


Scale of Pay: PB-2, Rs.14000-60500/- + GP Rs.5600/- per month



5. Surveyor


No. of Posts: 07 [UR: 03, OBC/MOBC: 02, SC: 01 & STP: 01]


Qualification: HSLC Passed with Diploma in Surveyorship from Govt. ITI or any other Govt. recognized institution.


Scale of Pay: PB-2, Rs.14000-60500/- + GP Rs.6200/- per month



6. Stenographer (U/Q)


No. of Post: 01 [STP]


Qualification: HSSLC Passed with Diploma in Stenography from Govt. ITI or any other Govt. recognized Institution with minimum speed of 80WPM in English Shorthand with basic Computer Knowledge.


Scale of Pay: PB-2, Rs.14000-60500/- + GP Rs.6200/- per month



7. Foreman


No. of Post: 01 [UR]


Qualification: HSLC Passed with Diploma in Electronics/Mechanical from Govt. ITI or any other Govt. recognized Institution.


Scale of Pay: PB-2, Rs.14000-60500/- + GP Rs.8700/- per month



8. Electrician


No. of Post: 01 [UR]


Qualification: HSLC Passed with Diploma in Electrician from Govt.  ITI or from any Govt. recognized Institution.


Scale of Pay: PB-2, Rs.14000-60500/- + GP Rs.6200/- per month



9. Plantation Mali


No. of Posts: 03 [UR: 01, OBC: 01 & SC: 01]


Qualification: Class VIII Passed.


Scale of Pay: PB-1, Rs.12000-52000/- + GP Rs.3900/- per month



10. Peon


No. of Posts: 05 [UR: 03, STP: 01 & SC: 01]


Qualification: Class VIII Passed.


Scale of Pay: PB-1, Rs.12000-52000/- + GP Rs.3900/- per month



11. Chowkidar


No. of Posts: 05 [UR: 02, OBC: 02 & SC: 01]


Qualification: Class VIII Passed.


Scale of Pay: PB-1, Rs.12000-52000/- + GP Rs.3900/- per month



12. Khalashi


No. of Posts: 04 [UR: 02, OBC: 01 & SC: 01]


Qualification: Class VIII Passed.


Scale of Pay: PB-1, Rs.12000-52000/- + GP Rs.3900/- per month



13. Handiman


No. of Posts: 03 [UR: 01, OBC: 01 & SC: 01]


Qualification: Class VIII Passed.


Scale of Pay: PB-1, Rs.12000-52000/- + GP Rs.3900/- per month



14. Dak runner


No. of Post: 01 [SC]


Qualification: Class VIII Passed.


Scale of Pay: PB-1, Rs.12000-52000/- + GP Rs.3900/- per month



Age limit of Soil Directorate Assam Recruitment 2021


The candidate should not be less than 18 years and not above 40 years as on 01.01.2020. The upper age limit is relaxable as under:-


(i) 5 years for STP/STH/SC candidates as per rule.


(ii) 3 years for OBC/MOBC candidates.


(iii) 10 years for PwD candidates irrespective of SC/ST/OBC an UR.


For the purpose of Grade-III the age limit the Department will accept only the date of birth recorded in the Matriculation or equivalent examination certificate/admit card issued by a recognized education board.


In case of Grade-V post the age proof of the candidates will be determined by the birth certificate/school certificate/affidavit declaring age proof etc.



How to Apply of Soil Directorate Assam Recruitment 2021


The application must be submitted online through the link in the website and will be received w.e.f. 03.02.2021 till 12.02.2021. Application received after 12.02.2021 will not be entertained.

Important Web Links of Soil Directorate Assam Recruitment 2021

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03/02/2021 [Click Here]

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