CAU Imphal Recruitment 2024 » 107 Professor & Associate Professor Posts

CAU Imphal Recruitment 2024 » 107 Professor & Associate Professor Posts

Central Agricultural University (CAU), Imphal, Manipur, issued an official advertisement announcement for the recruitment of 107 posts of Professor and Associate Professor in the constituent colleges and the Multi-Technology Testing Centre/Vocational Training Centre of Central Agricultural University, Imphal. Interested and eligible candidates may apply offline here.

Central Agricultural University (CAU)

CAU Imphal Recruitment Details

1. Professor
No. of posts: 88 


(a) For disciplines other than Veterinary Sciences:

i. Doctoral degree in relevant subject including relevant basic sciences.

ii. 10 years’ experience in the relevant subject out of which 8 years should be as Scientist/Lecturer/ Extension Specialist or in an equivalent.

iii. The candidate should have made contribution to Research/Teaching/Extension Education as evidenced by a minimum of 10 publications with high NAAS Impact Factor and innovations/ technologies published. 

(b) For Veterinary Sciences disciplines:

i. Recognized veterinary qualification included in first and second schedule in Indian Veterinary Council Act: 1984 and must be registered with a State Veterinary Council/Veterinary Council of India.

ii. B.V.Sc. & A.H. with at least 55% marks or its equivalent grade in the point scale.

iii. Master's degrees in relevant discipline of Vety. Science with at least 55% marks or its equivalent grade in the point scale.

iv. Other qualifications are similar with disciplines other than Veterinary Sciences as at (a) i, ii and iii.


i. Adequate experience of teaching and guiding post-graduate students.

ii. Familiarity with modern tools and applications in scientific technologies in the field. 

Scale of pay: Academic Level 14 (Rs.1,44,200/-).

2. Associate Professor
No. of posts: 19


(a) For disciplines other than Veterinary Sciences: 

i. Doctoral degree in relevant subject including relevant basic sciences.

ii. 8 years’ experience in the relevant subject as Scientist/Lecturer/Extension Specialist or in an equivalent.

iii. The candidate should have made contribution to Research/Teaching/Extension Education as evidenced by a minimum of 5 publications with high NAAS Impact Factor and innovations/ technologies published. 

(b) For Veterinary Sciences disciplines:

i. Recognized veterinary qualification included in first and second schedule in Indian Veterinary Council Act: 1984 and must be registered with a State Veterinary Council Veterinary Council of India.

ii. B.V.Sc. & A.H. with at least 55% marks or its equivalent grade in the point scale.

iii. Master's degrees in relevant discipline of Vety. Science with at least 55% marks or its equivalent grade in the point scale.

iv. Other qualifications are similar with disciplines other than veterinary sciences as at (a) i, ii and iii. 


i. Adequate experience of teaching and guiding post-graduate students.

ii. Familiarity with modern tools and applications in scientific technologies in the field.

Scale of pay: Academic Level 13A (Rs.1,31,400/-).

Application Fee of CAU Imphal Recruitment

The duly completed application form, along with relevant documents and the prescribed fee of Rs. 1,000/- (for UR/OBC candidates) or no fee (for SC/ST/PwBD/Women candidates), should reach the office of the Registrar, Central Agricultural University, Imphal, on or before 26th December 2024. The fee should be paid online only.

Important Dates of CAU Imphal Recruitment



Date of Notification


Last Date to Apply


How to Apply for CAU Imphal Recruitment?

Application form should be submitted on-line by giving prescribed fees. Final printed application format along with relevant documents must be sent as hard copy to the university by registered/speed post addressed to the Registrar, Central Agricultural University, Lamphelpat, Imphal, Manipur-795004.

Applicants are advised to superscribe the words (in capital letters) "Application for the post of" at the top of the envelope containing the application form.

Candidates already in service should submit their applications through proper channel. Candidates anticipating delay in sending through proper channel, advance copy may be submitted directly with required application fee. However, the candidate will have to produce No Objection Certificate at the time of interview, failing which such candidates will not be allowed to appear in the interview.  

Important Links for CAU Imphal Recruitment

Application Form

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Online Fee Payment

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Official Website

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