DEE Tripura Recruitment 2022 – 3168 UGT & GT for Classes I-VIII Vacancy

DEE Tripura Recruitment 2022 – 3168 UGT & GT for Classes I-VIII Vacancy

DEE Tripura Recruitment 2022: Teacher’s Recruitment Board Tripura (TRBT), Tripura has released official advertisement notification for the recruitment of 3168 Under Graduate Teacher (UGT) for Classes I-V and Graduate Teacher (GT) for Classes VI-VIII Vacancy under Directorate Elementary Education (DEE), Education (School) Department, Government of Tripura. Interested and eligible candidates of Tripura submission of online application with effect from 11th October 2022 to 17th October, 2022.


Application Process Online Form
Job Location Tripura
Total Posts 3168 Nos.
Qualification HS, Graduate, B.Ed.
Start Date 11/10/2022
Last Date 17/10/2022
Official Portal
Telegram Channel Click Here

DEE Tripura Job Information Details

1. Under Graduate Teacher (UGT)
No. of vacancy: 814 [UR: 469, SC: 104 & ST: 241]
Pay: Rs.16050/- (Revised) fixed per month being 75% of the basic pay as per Level-7 of Tripura State Pay Matrix 2018. (Group-C Non-Gazetted).

2. Graduate Teacher (GT)
No. of vacancy: 2354 [UR: 1060, SC: 362 & ST: 932]
Pay: Rs.20475/- (Revised) fixed per month being 75% of the basic pay as per Level-9 of Tripura State Pay Matrix 2018. (Group-C Non-Gazetted).

Qualification for UGC & GT Tripura Recruitment  

(i) UGT (Class I to V):-

Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and 2 years Diploma in Elementary Education (or one year diploma in education up to academic session 2004-05) (by whatever name known).


Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 45% marks and 2 years Diploma in Elementary Education (by whatever name known), in accordance with the NCTE (Recognition Norms and Procedure) Regulations, 2002 (or one year Diploma in education up to academic session 2004-05).


Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and 4 years Bachelor of Elementary Education (B.El.Ed).


Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and 2 years Diploma in Education (Special Education).


Graduation and two years Diploma in Elementary Education (or one year Diploma in Education up to academic session 2004-05) (by whatever name known).


Graduation with at least 50% marks and Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.)


Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks (Relaxed Qualification as per MHRD Notification, dated 04.01.2019).


Graduation (Relaxed Qualification as per MHRD Notification, dated 04.01.2019).


Passed Tripura-Teachers’ Eligibility Test (T-TET) Paper-I and obtained certificate issued by TRBT.

(ii) GT (Class VI to VIII):-

Graduation and 2 years Diploma in Elementary Education (or one year Diploma in Education up to academic session 2004-05) (by whatever name known).


Graduation with at least 50% marks and Bachelor in Education (B.Ed.).


Graduation with at least 45% marks and Bachelor in Education (B.Ed.) in accordance with the NCTE (Recognition Norms and Procedure) Regulations issued from time to time in this regard.


Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and 4 years Bachelor in Elementary Education (B.El.Ed.).


Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and 4 years BA/B.Sc.Ed. or BA.Ed./ B.Sc.Ed.


Graduation with at least 50% marks and Bachelor in Education (B.Ed.) (Special Education).


Graduation (Relaxed Qualification as per MHRD Notification, Dated: 04.01.2019.)


Passed Tripura-Teachers’ Eligibility Test (T-TET) Paper-I and obtained certificate issued by TRBT.

Age Limit for DEE Tripura UGC & GT Recruitment  

Age up to 40 years as on 01.10.2022. Upper age limit is relaxable by 5 years for SC/ST/PH and Government Servant provided that Government Servants belonging to SC/ST/PH category shall not get relaxation over and above general relaxation of 5 years available to them. Upper age limit is also relaxable for Ex-Serviceman (ESM) as per norm.

Important Dates of DEE Tripura UGC & GT Recruitment 

  • Notification: 01.10.2022
  • Submission of Online Application: 11.10.2022 (from 4.00 PM)
  • Last date of Submission of Online Application: 17.10.2022 (4.00 PM)
  • Last date for Finalization of Application: 17.10.2022 (4.00 PM)
  • Last date of Payment of Fees: 20.10.2022 (4.00 PM)
  • Scrutiny of Documents: Tentative Last Week of October

Application Fee of DEE Tripura UGC & GT Recruitment 

# Application fee of Rs.100/- for Unreserved Category and Rs.50/- for SC/ST/PH Category. Fee once paid will not be returned. Candidature of a candidate will not be accepted if TRBT does not receive the fee for whatsoever reason. Application will not be accepted if the fee is deposited after the scheduled date as mentioned in the notification. 

# Make payment from the link provided in the home page of applicant. Payment can be done through Credit Card/Debit Card/lnternet Banking facility of any leading bank. lnformation/PlN/Password etc., of Credit Card/Debit Card/lnternet Banking must not be shared with others for making payment and TRBT will not be responsible for any fraudulent transaction due to such information sharing.

# Payment of fee must be paid through the link provided in applicant's home page and by no other means.

How to Apply for DEE Tripura UGC & GT Recruitment?

Online Application can be submitted by logging on to the official website of Teachers' Recruitment Board, Tripura While applying online the candidate must ensure that she/he understands and fulfils the norms of eligibility. Follow the steps below:

(a) Log on to TRBT's official website and click on 'Apply Online' link. You will be directed to the registration page.

(b) Candidates are to enter the required information such as name, DOB, email lD, Phone Number etc., and get themselves registered. Note down the Registration Number for future reference.

(c) For registration, e-mail lD must be unique. Once registered, login with Registration Number/E-mail lD and password as set by you. For security reason do not share the password with others.

(d) lf a candidate has registered during T-TET 2019, fresh registration will not be required. Login with USER lD and Password. However, if there any wrong entry, fresh registration can be done by using another e-mail lD of the applicant.

(e) After login update your profile by entering all relevant information as per the online application form correctly.

(f) Upload clear image of your recent passport size photograph (as enumerated in 'How to apply' section in the registration page) and full signature. The image of photograph must be clear enough so that the applicant can be recognised by seeing the photograph. The image of full signature must also be clear and legible. Any discrepancy in image of photograph and full signature will lead to rejection of the online application. Uploading of any unwanted photograph will be viewed seriously and strict action will be taken against them who indulge in such activity.

  • Scanned image of latest passport size photograph of candidate (In JPG/JPEG format only, Size up to 100 KB).
  • Scanned image of full signature of candidate (In JPG/JPEG format only, Size up to 60 KB).
(g) Candidate can update certain information given in the profile from edit/update profile link before submission of online application. Online application once submitted the Iink will be disabled. No edit in profile can be done afterwards.

(h) Candidate can apply for Under Graduate Teacher andlor Graduate Teacher (classes Vl-Vlll) from 'Apply Online' link of candidate's homepage.

(i) Login and go to candidates 'Home Page'

(j) ln candidate's homepage, for Under Graduate Teacher please click on "Apply Online" link with respect to "selection to the Post of Under Graduate Teacher for Class l-V -Second Session 2022" and for Graduate Teacher (classes Vl-Vlll) Please Click on "Apply Online" link with respect to "Selection to the Post of Graduate Teacher for Class Vl-Vlll- Second Session 2022".

(k) Submit the form after entering all the information correctly. Finalize the application if all information entered is correct. lf any rectification is required click on "Edit Application" link in candidate's homepage. Once finalised, the application form can no more be edited. So before finalization make sure that all information entered are correct.

(l) After successful payment print the online Application Acknowledgement and Payment Receipt. Preserve online Application Acknowledgement and Payment Receipt for future reference. Payment related disputes will not be entertained without Application Acknowledgement and Payment Receipt

(m) Candidates having their mark in CGPA, click on "check if CGPA is applicable" and enter exact equivalent percent of CGPA. Convert CGPA in exact equivalent percentage (as per formula given by the University/ Board) up to two decimal points and enter it in the appropriate box in the online application form, For example if the equivalent percentage of CGPA up to 2 decimal point is "59.99" enter "59.99" not "60" . lf overall percentage of mark is given in the final mark sheet candidates can enter the percentage (up to 2 decimal points) directly after clicking on the check box for CGPA.

(n) ln case candidates are applying with Senior Secondary as academic qualification and do not possess Graduation/ Post graduation, please leave the qualification detail in the online application format with respect to Graduation/ Post Graduation. Similarly if a candidate does not have Post Graduation has only graduation, leave the qualification detail in the online application format with respect Post Graduation.

(o) Please read the "How to apply" section in the registration page before proceeding for registration.

(p) "Forgot Password" link can be used to reset password in case the candidate forgets her/his password.

(q) Online Application can be submitted by logging on to the official website of Teachers' Recruitment Board, Tripura, and by no other means.

(r) Those candidates who were appointed as Ad-hoc teachers (10,323) as per verdict of Hon'ble Supreme Court and later on discharged may choose 'Yes' in the relevant field of online application form and others can choose 'No'.

Syllabus for DEE Tripura UGC & GT Recruitment



Important Web-links for DEE Tripura UGC & GT Recruitment

DEE Tripura Online Form Click Here
DEE Tripura Advertisement Click Here
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