IASST Guwahati Recruitment 2023 » 03 Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS) Vacancy

IASST Guwahati Recruitment 2023 » 03 Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS) Vacancy

IASST Guwahati Recruitment 2023: Institute of Advanced Study in Science and Technology (IASST), Guwahati has released official advertisement notification for the recruitment of 03 Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS) vacancy. All the details related to IASST Guwahati Recruitment 2023 are given below.

IASST Guwahati Recruitment Overview

Mode of Apply

Offline Form

Job Location

Guwahati, Assam



Post Name

Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS)

Total Posts



Matriculation with Experience.

Advt. Date


Last Date


Official Website


IASST Guwahati Recruitment Details

Post Name: Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS)

No. of vacancies: 03 [UR: 02 & EWS: 01]

Qualification: Matriculation or its equivalent. 

Experience: Minimum 3 years of experience in the trade(s) (Experience as Cook, Mali, Electrician, Care taker Cleaning and Upkeep of section, civil work Reprography). Candidate will have to produce experience certificate from the employer clearly specifying their nature of work, tenure of experience, and the performance grading (Outstanding/Excellent/Very good/ Satisfactory).

Knowledge: The person must have knowledge of local language, Assamese (both reading & writing).

Pay Level: Level-1, Rs. 18,000-56,900/- plus admissible allowances as per Central Govt. rules.

Maximum Age: 30 years (Relaxation as per G.O.I notification). However, maximum age of such candidates, who has been serving under contract in the specified areas at IASST may be relaxed.

How to Apply for IASST Guwahati Recruitment?

# Eligible candidates may apply for the position by submitting the hard copy of the duly filled in prescribed application form along with self-attested copies of educational and experience certificates and mark sheets with two recent passport size photographs. 

# The filled up application form must reach the Registrar, IASST, Paschim Boragaon, Garchuk, Guwahati-781035 Assam latest by 5 pm on 24.03.2023, by Speed/Registered Post/courier or By Hand. 

# The envelope should be super scribed with the name of the post and Advt. no. on the top. 

# The Institute will not be held responsible for any postal delay.

Contact details of the institute is as follows: 

Address: The Registrar, 
Institute of Advanced Study in Science and Technology (IASST), 
Paschim Boragaon, Garchuk, Guwahati – 781035, Assam. 
Website: www.iasst.gov.in 
Email ID: registrar@iasst.gov.in

Selection Procedure of IASST Guwahati Vacancy

# Only the Shortlisted Candidates will be called for the written test followed by Skill test. Successful Candidates in the written test will be required to appear in the Skill Test. The institute reserves the right to conduct multiple trade tests in the relevant areas/trade. Candidates with knowledge in more than one area of multi-Tasking will be preferred. Written test will be conducted on subjects of General Awareness, English and Quantitative Aptitude of Class X Standard. 

# Result of Trade test and written test will be published exclusively in institute website and no separate communication to the candidates will be made. Candidates are requested to go through the IASST website regularly for any notification in this regard. 

# No TA/DA is payable for attending the Written Test/Trade Test

Important Web-links for IASST Guwahati Recruitment

IASST MTS Application Form Check Here
IASST MTS Advertisement Check Here
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