Sikkim University Recruitment 2024: 03 Non-Teaching Vacancy

Sikkim University Recruitment 2024: 03 Non-Teaching Vacancy

Sikkim University Recruitment 2024: Sikkim University, Gangtok has released an official advertisement notification for the recruitment of 03 Non-Teaching positions. All the details related to the Sikkim University Recruitment 2024 are given below.
Sikkim University

Sikkim University Recruitment 2024 Overview

Mode of Apply

Online Form

Job Location

Gangtok, Sikkim

Start Date to Apply

January 23, 2024

Last Date to Apply

February 23, 2024

Official Website

Sikkim University Job Information Details

1. Post Name: Registrar

☑ No. of post: 01 [UR]

☑ Qualification: A Master’s degree with at least 55% marks or its equivalent in any subject from any university recognized by the UGC.

☑ Experience: At least 15 years’ experience as Assistant Professor in a University or equivalent grade of which at least 8 years shall be in Associate Professor’s grade along with experience in educational administration. Or Comparable experience in establishments and other institutions of higher education. Or 15 years of administrative experience of which 8 years as Deputy Registrar or an equivalent post.

☑ Pay: Pay level-14, Rs. 1,48,500/-

2. Post Name: Librarian

☑ No. of post: 01 [UR]

☑ Qualification: A Master’s Degree in Library Science/Information Science/Documentation Science, with at least 55% marks or an equivalent grade in a point-scale wherever grading system is followed.

☑ Experience: (i) At least ten years as a Librarian at any level in University Library or ten years of teaching as Assistant/Associate Professor in Library Science or ten years’ experience as a College Librarian. (ii) Evidence of innovative library services, including the integration of ICT in a library. (iii) Ph.D. Degree in library science/information science/ documentation/archives and manuscript-keeping.

☑ Pay: Pay level-14, Rs. 1,48,500/-

3. Post Name: Internal Audit Officer (IAO)

☑ No. of post: 01 [UR]

☑ Essential Qualification & Experience: Deputation/Short-term Contract: Officers belonging to Audit and Accounts Services or other similar services holding analogous posts on regular basis; or with 3 years’ regular service in the PB-3 Rs. 15600-39100 with GP Rs. 6600 or equivalent in 7th CPC or with 5 years’ regular service in the PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with GP Rs. 5400 or equivalent in 7th CPC.

☑ Desirable Qualification: CA/CMA/MBA (Finance).

☑ Pay: Pay level-12, Rs. 78,800/-

How to Apply for Sikkim University Recruitment?

☑ Interested candidates may apply online through the University website on or before 23.02.2024.

☑ For the post of Librarian, the Assessment Criteria format may be downloaded and filled in. The filled in format may be uploaded along with the application and the self-attested hard copy of the supporting documents as mentioned in the Assessment Criteria format to be submitted.

☑ The documents have to be sealed in an envelope addressed to the following Postal Address:

The Registrar,
Sikkim University,
6th Mile, Samdur, Tadong, Gangtok, Sikkim,
Pin: 737102.

The covering envelope should invariably have the following details: -

Assessment Criteria Documents for SU Non-Teaching Recruitment

1. Name of applicant:………………
2. Position applied for:………………
3. Online Application No.:……………

Important Web-Links Sikkim University Recruitment

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