APPSC Recruitment 2021 – 02 Law Officer Posts, Online Form

APPSC Recruitment 2021 – 02 Law Officer Posts, Online Form

APPSC Itanagar
Last Date: 05/05/2021.

Arunachal Pradesh Public Service Commission (APPSC), Itanagar invited Online applications from the APST candidate for filling up of 2 (two) posts of Law Officer-Cum-Junior Draftsman, Group ‘A’ (Gazetted), Non-Ministerial under the Department of Law and Judicial, Govt of Arunachal Pradesh. Interested and eligible candidates read advertisement and may apply online.

APPSC Itanagar Vacancy 2021 Details

Law Officer Cum-Junior Draftsman

No. of Posts: 02 (Two)

Educational Qualification:

#Candidates for the post must hold a Bachelors Degree in Law from a recognized University or Institution. The final year students who are to appear for such final examination shall also be eligible to apply. However, such final year candidates must upload a ‘Bonafide Certificate’ to establish their claim.

#If due to non holding of convocation the degree certificate cannot be produced then mark Sheet issued by competent authority should be produced as proof of having passed the qualifying examination and for the candidates of recognized Autonomous Colleges. THE MARKSHEET/GRADE REPORT IN ORIGINAL, issued by the Assistant Registrar/Controller of Examination/Vice Chancellor of the concerned University of recognized autonomous colleges shall only be accepted.

#The decision of the Commission as to be eligibility or otherwise of a candidate for admission to the examination shall be final and binding. No candidate shall be admitted to the written examination unless he/she holds a certificate of Admission from the Commission for that purpose.

Pay Matrix: Level-10, Rs.56,100-1,77,500/- per month plus other allowances as admissible.

Age limit: A candidate shall not be less than 18 years and not more than 32 years of age as on 05/05/2021 However, the upper age limit is relaxable in accordance with the instruction issued by the Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh from time to time.

Examination Fee: Arunachal Pradesh Schedule Tribe (APST) candidates are required to pay fee of Rs.100/- (Rupees one hundred) only through online mode only.

How to Apply APPSC Itanagar Recruitment

#Before applying online Application for the posts must mandatorily register themselves through ONE TIME REGISTRATION (OTR) in the Commission’s website.

#Those who have already registered in OTR need not register again and they can directly log in to fill up online form using their user ID and Password.

Important Web Links of APPSC Itanagar Recruitment

Apply Online: Click Here

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