Soil Conservation Department Assam Recruitment 2021 - 27 Officer & Ranger Vacancy

Soil Conservation Department Assam Recruitment 2021 - 27 Officer & Ranger Vacancy

Assam Public Service Commission (APSC) has released Indian Citizens as defined in Articles 5 to 8 of the Constitution of India under Soil Conservation Department recruitment 27 vacancies of Assistant Soil Conservation Officer and Soil Conservation Ranger Posts under Assam Government Jobs 2021. The applicants are advised to read the eligibility criteria and other relevant details carefully before applying for the advertisement.

Application Process Online Form
Job Location Assam
Last Date 28.05.2021
Recruitment Board Assam Public Service Commission

Soil Conservation Department Assam Vacancy 2021 Details

1. Assistant Soil Conservation Officer (ASCO)

No. of Posts: 13 [Open: 06, OBC/MOBC: 03, SC: 01, STP: 01, STH: 01, EWS: 01]

Education Qualification: 

(i) At least a Bachelor degree from a recognized University in Agriculture, Agriculture Engineering, Civil Engineering. Preference shall be given to Post Graduate degree holder in Soil Science.


(ii) A.I.F.C from Forest Research Institute (FRI) and College, Dehradun.


(iii) At least 8 (eight) year’s experience as Soil Conservation Ranger or Forest Ranger under the Govt. of Assam. 


(iv) Soil Conservation Junior Engineer with Diploma in Civil Engineering/Agriculture Engineering having a minimum of 10 (ten) year’s experience in the Soil Conservation Deptt., Assam. (Attach self attested valid supporting documents.)

Scale of Pay: Pay Band-4, Rs.30,000/- to 110,000/-, GP Rs.12,700/- 

2. Soil Conservation Ranger (SCR)

No. of Posts: 14 [Open: 10, OBC/MOBC: 03, EWS: 01]

Education Qualification: 

Bachelor’s degree in Science from any Govt. recognized University with at least Physics/Chemistry/ Botany/Zoology/Forestry/Environmental Science as one of the subject.


Bachelor’s degree in Agriculture/Agriculture Engineering/Civil Engineering from any Govt. recognized University. (Attach self attested valid supporting documents.) 
Scale of Pay: Pay Band-3, Rs.22,000/- to 97,000/-, GP Rs.9,700/- 

Age limit of Soil Conservation Department Assam

The candidates should not be less than 21 years of age and not more than 38 years of age as on 01/01/2021. The upper age limit is relaxable:

(i) By 5 years for SC/ST candidates, i.e. up to 43 years.

(ii) By 3 years for OBC/MOBC candidates i.e. up to 41 years as per Govt. Notification No. ABP.6/2016/9 dated Dispur the 25th April 2018.

(iii) For Persons with Disability (PWD) by 10 years irrespective of SC/ST/OBC and General Category of candidate as per Govt. Notification No. ABP 144/95/121 dated Dispur the 28th October, 2015. The age limit of the candidates will be calculated on the basis of the Matriculation/HSLC Admit Card / Certificate issued by a recognized Central/State Board/Council and no other document shall be accepted in lieu of the mentioned documents. (Attach self attested valid supporting documents.)

Application Fee of Soil Conservation Department Assam 

Under the Digital India initiative by Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY), Government of India, APSC has decided to launch its Online Recruitment portal with the help of CSC-SPV, a MeitY approved organization, which will charge a processing fee of Rs. 30.00/- + 18% tax = Rs.35.40/- from each candidate. The Application Fee is as per Govt. Notification No. FEG.32/2016/8-A dated Dispur the 28th October, 2016 communicated vide letter No.ABP.60/2014/11 dated 2nd February 2018 and Govt. Notification No.ABP144/95/121dated Dispur the 28th October, 2015 for persons with disabilities (PWD) candidates.

CategoryApplication Fees (Rs.)Application ProcessProcessing Fee Charged by CSC-SPV (Rs)Taxable amount on processing
fee (@18%)

For any payment related issues, one can reach the following helpdesk numbers: GRAS Helpline (Telephonic):1800-212-11-88-66 (From 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM on all working days)

How to Apply Soil Conservation Department Assam

#Applicants are required to apply online through APSC’s recruitment website. No other means/mode of application will be accepted and the Application will be summarily rejected.

#Applicants who have not registered yet, in Online Recruitment Portal of APSC are first required to go to the APSC’s recruitment website and register themselves by clicking on ‘Register Here’ link.

#Candidates must submit the details of documents like Certificate No., Issue date, Issuing authority and upload the documents/certificates (whenever asked for) in support of the claims made by them in the Application Form like, Date of Birth, Experience, Qualification(s) etc. or any other information, in pdf/jpeg file in such a way that the file size does not exceed 200 KB and is legible when a printout taken. For that purpose, the applicant may scan the documents/certificates in 200 dpi grey scale.

#An applicant is required to upload the scanned images of his/her recent photograph and signature in JPG/JPEG format.

a. Size of the photograph (passport size) (Min size-20 KB & Max size–200 KB)
b. Size of the signature (Min size-15 KB & Max size–200 KB)

#For any other issues related to online application form you can contact the following-

#Contact No: 1800-572-23-43 (From 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM on all working days.

Important Web Links of Soil Conservation Department Assam

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