AAU Jorhat Recruitment 2021 - Project (Assistant & Coordinator), SRF & Technical Assistant Vacancy

AAU Jorhat Recruitment 2021 - Project (Assistant & Coordinator), SRF & Technical Assistant Vacancy

Directorate of Research (Agri.), Assam Agricultural University (AAU), Jorhat has released for the recruitment 04 Project Coordinator, Project Assistant, Senior Research Fellow (SRF) and Technical Assistant vacancy. Interested and eligible candidates read Jobs advertisement and may apply here.

Application Process Online Form
Job Location Jorhat
Last Date 10.06.2021
Recruitment Board Assam Agricultural University

AAU Jorhat Vacancy Details 2021

1. Project Coordinator
No. of Post: 01

Qualification: Doctoral Degree in Agriculture/Biotechnology/Molecular Biology/Life Sciences with two years of research experience
Desirable: Experience of working in laboratory as well as extension activities oriented to such discipline shall be given preference.

Emolument: Rs.55,000/- (consolidated)

2. Project Assistant (PA)
No. of Post: 01

Qualification: B.Sc.
Desirable: Experience of working in microbiology laboratory shall be given preference.

Emolument: Rs.22,000/- (consolidated)

3. Senior Research Fellow (SRF)
No. of Post: 01

Qualification: M./Sc. (Agri)/M. Tech/M.Sc in Biotechnology/Plant Breeding and Genetics/ Biochemistry/Molecular Biology/Life Sciences with two years of research experience.
Desirable: Experience of working in laboratory oriented to such discipline shall be given preference.


i) Rs 35000 + 8% HRA (applicable for candidates with NET, GATE, BET, BINC qualified or any other selections process through National Level Examinations conducted by Central Govt. Dept. and their Agencies and Institutions.

(ii) Rs. 28000 + HRA for other who do not fall under above (i).

4. Technical Assistant (TA)
No. of Post: 01

Qualification: B.Sc.
Desirable: Experience of working in microbiology laboratory shall be given preference.

Emolument: Rs. 20000 + 8% HRA (fixed)

How to Apply AAU Jorhat Recruitment

Candidates should submit their biodata with relevant documents to the Principal Investigator, Dr Madhumita Barooah (madhumita.barooah@aau.ac.in) by 10.06.2021

The link for the online interview will be sent on 13.06.2021. In event of selection of the candidate, original and attested copies of all testimonials must be submitted.

Important Web Link of AAU Jorhat Recruitment

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