RARS AAU North Lakhimpur Recruitment 2021. 02 Scientific Assistant/Field Assistant Vacancy

RARS AAU North Lakhimpur Recruitment 2021. 02 Scientific Assistant/Field Assistant Vacancy

Regional Agricultural Research Station (RARS), Assam Agricultural University (AAU), North Lakhimpur has announced for the recruitment 02 Scientific Assistant/ Field Assistant Vacancy under DBT funded project. Interested and eligible candidates read Jobs advertisement and may apply here.

Application Process Offline Form
Job Location North Lakhimpur, Assam
Walk-in Date 07.06.2021
Recruitment Board Assam Agricultural University

RARS AAU North Lakhimpur Vacancy Details 2021

Scientific Assistant/Field Assistant

No. of Posts: 02 (Two)

Qualification: Graduation with prior expertise in:

1. Rice Grain Quality laboratory work

2. Growing and maintaining rice plants at field and laboratory.

Fellowship Consolidated: Emoluments of INR 18,000 + 8% HRA per month.

Age: Not more than 40 years as on closing date of advertisement.

How to Apply RARS AAU North Lakhimpur Recruitment

Applicants should bring their application (Hard copy) addressed to Chief Scientist, RARS, AAU, North Lakhimpur, Assam in attaching duly filled application form (Standard Form of Application, Assam Gazette of Part IX) along with recent passport size photograph and photocopies of relevant certificates and other testimonials in support of age, qualification, experience etc. on the day of walking interview i.e.,7th June, 2021 at 10.00 A.M. Please mention the name of the Post and Project Code in the subject line.

Applicant must bring all the original certificates at the time of interview for the purpose of verification.

Important Web Link of RARS AAU North Lakhimpur Recruitment

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