SSA Karbi Anglong District Recruitment 2021 – 559 Assistant Teacher Vacancy

SSA Karbi Anglong District Recruitment 2021 – 559 Assistant Teacher Vacancy

Assam TET Qualified Candidates Karbi Anglong District Recruitment Notification 2021. Karbi Anglong & West Karbi Anglong district under KAAC qualified in Assam TET conducted by Elementary Education Department, Assam has released for the recruitment 559 posts of Assistant Teacher at Lower Primary (LP) Schools on contractual basis under the Axom Sarba Siksha Abhiyan Mission, Assam.

Application Process

Online Form

Job Location

Karbi Anglong District

Last Date


Recruitment Board

Karbi Anglong Autonomous Council

SSA Assam Karbi Anglong District Vacancy Details 2021

Assistant Teacher [LP School]
No. of Posts: 559 

#Karbi Anglong: 331
#West Karbi Anglong: 228

Essential Qualification:

1. At least 50% marks in Higher Secondary (or its equivalent) with Assam LP- TET and 2-year Diploma in Elementary Education (by whatever name known) from recognized institutes


At least 45% marks in Higher Secondary (or its equivalent) with Assam LP- TET and 2-year Diploma in Elementary Education (by whatever name known), in accordance with the NCTE (Recognition Norms and Procedure), Regulations,2002.


At least 50% marks in Higher Secondary (or its equivalent) with Assam LP- TET and 4-year Bachelor of Elementary Education (B.EI.Ed.)


At least 50% marks in Higher Secondary (or its equivalent) with Assam LP- TET and 2-year Diploma in Elementary Education (Special Education)


Graduation from UGC recognized University with Assam LP- TET and 2-year Diploma in Elementary Education (by whatever name known) from recognized institutes


Graduation with at least 50% marks from UGC recognized University with LP- TET and Bachelor in Education (B.Ed.) from recognized institutes/University

The appointee who is appointed on the basis of qualification of Bachelor of Education (B. Ed) shall mandatorily undergo a Six-month bridge course in Elementary Education recognized by the National council for Teacher Education (NCTE) within two years of the appointment [5% relaxation of marks for SC/ST (P)/ST(H)/0BC/MOBC & PH candidates)

2. The candidate who has completed the 18 month D.EI.Ed. course from the NIOS (ODL) will be treated at par and equal with the other candidates who have completed the 2 year D.EI.Ed. course for the purpose of this recruitment process

3. The candidates having qualified in Assam TET for Lower Primary School and Graduation with at least 50% marks and Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) can also apply for the post of Assistant Teacher in Lower Primary School but the person so appointed shall mandatorily undergo a six-month bridge course in Elementary Education recognized by the NCTE within two years of such appointment as Assistant Teacher-LP. This is in conformity with the NCTE norms.

Age limit: Minimum age is 18 years for all candidates and maximum age is 40 years for unreserved category, 43 years for OBC/MOBC and 45 years for SC/ST (P)/ST(H) and 50 years for Persons with Disability (PwD) as on 1st January'2021. This relaxation shall be applicable only to those candidates who have attained the necessary educational or other qualifications prior to crossing of their existing upper age limit of 40 years.

Selection Procedure SSA Assam Karbi Anglong District Recruitment

Separate Merit list will be published for each district. The selection of the candidates shall be strictly in order of merit following procedure as per Government norms Marks will be allocated as follows:


Maximum Marks

HSSLC or its equivalent*


Assam TET for LPS


NCTE Notified Professional Qualification

(2 Year D.EI.Ed. or B.Ed. etc)*


NCC: 10 marks for NCC 'C' Certificate or 5

marks for NCC 'B' Certificate


Sports (participation in recognized sports at National

Level representing Assam)


Achievement in Fine Arts and Cultural activities

(representing the State officially at National Level)


Maximum Marks


*Marks will be in proportion to the percentage of marks secured in the examination: for example, if a candidate secures 54 % aggregate marks in HSSLC examination, he/she shall be given 54 marks for the HSSLC examination

N.B. Any other marks obtained in other examinations such as HSLC or equivalent, Graduation, Post Graduation and other Professional Qualification not mentioned in the Notifications of NCTE will not be considered.

How to Apply SSA Assam Karbi Anglong District Recruitment

#The eligible candidates shall apply online in the website link from 10:00 AM of 27/05/2021 to midnight of 05/06/2021. No offline application will be received.

#A candidate can apply only for one post in one district mentioned above. Not following this criterion will lead to cancellation of candidature forthwith.

#The Online Applications and documents submitted by the candidates will be verified using modern technology ensuring genuineness of the uploaded documents. Back office verification by the competent Board/Council/University/Authority etc. will also be done as well. Moreover the authority if felt necessary may conduct physical verification of document at any point of time through Public Notice. In case any candidate found to be absent on the specific date and time, his/her candidature will be cancelled without assigning any reason thereof.

#The candidates must ensure genuineness of all the information/documents uploaded against the online application and he/she will be solely responsible for the information/documents uploaded against his/her online application once uploaded there will be no scope for correction in respect of the credential submitted by the candidate. Any discrepancy will lead to cancellation of the candidature.

Important points:

i. Candidates are requested to confirm their eligibility before submitting online application

ii. Candidates should be very cautious while submitting the on line application form as once the online application is submitted against a particular Roll number of Assam TET, he/ she will not be allowed to submit the online application form for second time.

iii. The Office will not be responsible for any lapse in submission of online application due to any technical problem. No request will be considered in this regard.

iv. Incomplete/defective/invalid application will be summarily rejected Online Application received without uploading of required documents will also be summarily rejected.

Documents required to be uploaded in colour:

i) Scanned Passport size Photograph.

ii) PDF Copy of HSSLC Mark-sheet

iii) PDF Copy of Graduation Mark-sheet.

iv) PDF Copy of 2 Year D El Ed./BEd. Mark-sheet

v) PDF Copy of Mark-sheet and Certificate of Assam TET.

vi) PDF Copy of Certificate of Permanent Residential Certificate(PRC),Sports (participation in recognized sports at National Level representing Assam) and Fine Arts and Cultural activities (representing the State officially at National Level).

vii) PDF Copy of HSLC Admit Card/Certificate in support of age.

viii) Scanned Signature.

ix) Hard copy of all testimonials shall have to be submitted to the District Mission Office, SSA, KAAC, Diphu

Important Web Link of SSA Assam Karbi Anglong District Recruitment

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