State Bank of Sikkim Recruitment 2021 - 26 Posts Assistant Manager (AM) Vacancy

State Bank of Sikkim Recruitment 2021 - 26 Posts Assistant Manager (AM) Vacancy

SBS Recruitment Notification 2021. State Bank of Sikkim (SBS) are invited eligible Indian Citizens of Sikkimese origin having Sikkim Subject certificate/Certificate of Identification has released for the recruitment 26 posts of Assistant Manager (AM) Vacancies. Interested and eligible candidates read advertisement and may apply here.

Application ProcessOnline Form
Job LocationSikkim
Last Date30.06.2021
Recruitment BoardState Bank of Sikkim

State Bank of Sikkim Vacancy Details 2021

Assistant Manager (AM)

No. of Posts: 26 [UR: 05, BL: 05, OBC-CL: 05, OBC-SL: 05, ST: 03, SC: 02 & PT: 01]

CategoryNo.of Posts
Bhutia Lepcha02
Bhutia Lepcha(Women)02
Bhutia Lepcha (BPL)01
OBC-Central List03
OBC-Central List(Women)01
OBC-Central List(BPL)01
OBC-State List02
OBC-State List(Women)02
OBC-State List(BPL)01
Scheduled Tribe02
Scheduled Tribe (Women)01
Scheduled Caste01
Scheduled Caste(Women)01
Primitive Tribe01

Minimum Qualification: 

A. Degree of Bachelor and above from a recognized university with any one of the following as a major subject;

(i) Business Economics,
(ii) Accounting,
(iii) Commerce,
(iv) Financial Management/Finance,
(v) Banking,
(vi) Mathematics

B. Minimum of one year of Certificate Course in Computer Application.


A Degree of Bachelor or above in any discipline from a recognized university with minimum experience of five years of working in clerical cadre and above in any Banks in India.

Other Qualifications:

(a) Should have knowledge of any of the Sikkim State Languages.
(b) Should be conversant with the customs and usages of Sikkim.

Age Limit As on 01.04.2021: Minimum age of the candidate should be minimum 21 years and maximum of 40 years for all category of candidates in accordance with the orders issued by the State Government from time to time.

Other Required Documents of State Bank of Sikkim Recruitment

(a) Candidate must be a domicile of the State of Sikkim and must be in possession of either Sikkim Subject Certificate or Certificate of Identification issued by the competent authority under relevant orders of the State Government of Sikkim.

(b) Category Certificate issued by the competent authority of the Government of Sikkim.

(c) Should have valid Employment card (Local) issued by the appropriate authority of the Government of Sikkim.

(d) In case of candidates working (employed) candidates, No objection certificate from the Head of Department/Organisation.

(e) For candidates applying on the basis of experience in banking service, should possess certificate of experience along with NOC from the concern controlling authority.

(f) Marital Status certificate (For female candidates only). In case of married women, SSC/COI of her husband should be submitted and in case of unmarried girl, certificate of non-marriage should be furnished from the competent authority of the Government of Sikkim dated within six months.

Emoluments: The starting basic pay of an Assistant Manager in the State Bank of Sikkim is Rs. 39,100/- (Cell 1 Level 14 of the Pay Matrix). Minimum of Pay and Allowance for an Assistant Manager works out to Rs.57,367/- in the beginning. However, during the period of probation of one year, appointee shall be paid a consolidated allowance as per the extant norms of the Government of Sikkim.

Syllabus of State Bank of Sikkim Recruitment



English Language

Reading comprehension, Grammar, Vocabulary, Verbal Ability, Word Association, Sentence Improvement, Para Jumbles, Cloze test, Error Spotting, Fill in the blanks, Multiple meaning, Paragraph completion.

Quantitative Aptitude

Simplification, Profit & Loss, Mixtures & Alligations, Simple interest, Compound interest, surds & indices, Work & time, Time & Distance, Mensuration-Cylinder, Cone, Sphere, Data interpretation, Ratio & Proportion, Percentage, Number Systems, Sequence & series, permutation, Combination & Probability.

Data Analysis & Interpretation

Tabular Graph, Line Graph, Pie Graph, Bar Graph, Radar Graph Caselet, Missing case DI, Let it Case DI, Data sufficiency, Probability, Permutation & Combination.


Economy/ Banking Awareness

Financial Awareness, Current Affairs, General Knowledge, Static Awareness, Banking Awareness, Economic Affairs

Reasoning & Computer Aptitude

Verbal reasoning, Syllogism, Circular Seating Arrangement, Double Lineup, Scheduling, Input Output, Blood Relations, Directions & Distances, Ordering & Ranking, Data Sufficiency, Coding & Decoding, Code Inequalities, Course of Action, Critical Reasoning, Analytical & decision Making, Internet, Memory, Keyboard Shortcuts, Computer Abbreviations, Microsoft Office, Computer Hardware, Computer Software, Computer Fundamentals/Terminologies, Networking, Number System, Operating System, Basic of Logic Gates.

Examination Process of State Bank of Sikkim Recruitment

Phase-I: Written Examination consisting of Objective Tests of 200 marks on OMR (Optical Marks Recognition) system or online system will be conducted. Decision on paper based or online system shall be decided in due course depending on the situation generated by COVID-19 pandemic and the number of applicants. This test would be of 3 hour duration consisting of 5 Sections as follows:

Name of Test

No. of Questions/Marks

English Language


Quantitative Aptitude


Data Analysis & Interpretation



Banking Awareness


Reasoning & Computer Aptitude




Candidates have to qualify in written test by securing passing marks to be decided by the Bank. Adequate number of candidates in each category as may be decided by the Bank (approximately 3-4 times the numbers of vacancies) will be short listed for the Interview (Viva-voce).

Penalty for Wrong Answers: There will be penalty for wrong answers marked in the written Tests. For each question for which a wrong answer given by the candidate one fourth of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted as penalty to arrive at actual score. If a question is left blank, i.e. no answer is marked by the candidate; there will be no marks and no penalty for that question.

Phase – II: Interview (25 marks) - Maximum marks in the viva voce shall be 25. The aggregate marks of candidates qualifying in the written Tests will be arranged in descending order in each category. Adequate number of candidates in each category, as may be decided by the Bank will be called for Interview.

Application Fee of State Bank of Sikkim Recruitment

Application fees of Rs.150/- (Rupees one hundred fifty only) should be deposited online during submission of the application. Fee/Intimation charges once paid will NOT be refunded on any account nor can it be held in reserve for any other examination or selection.

How to Apply State Bank of Sikkim Recruitment

Prospective candidates will have to apply after carefully reading the notification regarding the process of examinations and interview, eligibility criteria, online registration processes payment of prescribed application fee/intimation charges, pattern of examination, issuance of call letters etc. and ensure that they fulfill all stipulated criteria and follow the prescribed processes. To download notification and apply online, candidates should visit our official website

On-line registration including Edit/Modification of Application by candidates: 01.06.2021 to 30.06.2021

Important Web Link of State Bank of Sikkim Recruitment

Apply OnlineClick here
Detailed AdvertisementClick here
FAQ of Eligibility CriteriaClick here
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