OIL Dibrugarh Recruitment 2022 – 05 Retired Executives Vacancy

OIL Dibrugarh Recruitment 2022 – 05 Retired Executives Vacancy

Oil India Limited (OIL), Dibrugarh has released employment news notification for the recruitment of 05 Retired Executives Vacancy. Interested and Eligible Candidates read advertisement before apply.


Application Process Online/Offline Form
Job Location Dibrugarh
Last Date 07/05/2022
Recruitment Board www.oil-india.com

OIL Dibrugarh Job Information Details

Retired Executive

No. of vacancy: 05 (Five)


(a) Must have retired not below the rank of GM (3 levels below Board) from Oil India Limited/other PSU under MOP&NG.

(b) He/she should not have been penalized in a disciplinary proceeding case or should not have been prosecuted in a criminal case.

(c) Retired executives willing to serve as Inquiring Authority should not be more than seventy (70) years on the day of receiving applications.

Pay and Allowance: 

(a) An all-inclusive honorarium of Rs. 50,000/- (Fifty thousand only) is payable for a case involving single executive. In cases, where more than a single executive is involved, additional amount of Rs. 30,000/- (Thirty thousand only) is payable as honorarium for each executive/report submitted by the Inquiring Authority. The payment of the honorarium will be made on submission of the inquiry report.

(b) Secretarial assistance: An amount of Rs. 10,000/- (Ten thousand only) per single inquiry report and additional amount of Rs. 5,000/- (Five thousand only) per additional inquiry report would be paid in case more than a single executive is involved.

(c) Travel/Boarding and lodging facility will be provided as per entitlement of regular executives of their status in OIL for the work in connection with conducting the inquiry if the same involves tours outside the Hqrs./place of residence of the Inquiring Authority. Incidentals Rs.250/- (Two hundred and fifty only) per day will be paid for the actual number of days worked outside the place of residence of Inquiring Authority.

(d) All postage, stationery and other expenses for communications etc. will be borne by the Inquiring Authority

How to Apply OIL Dibrugarh Recruitment?

(a) The application form (Annexure-1) should be neatly typed and filled up by the applicant as per the format and instruction given in this advertisement only. Applications received in format other than the prescribed/as given will be rejected.

(b) Eligibility of candidate(s) will be based on the details provided by the applicant in the prescribed Application Form. Hence, it is necessary that applicants should furnish only accurate, full and correct information in the prescribed Application Form. Applications incomplete in any respect will be summarily rejected.

(c) Applications in sealed envelope superscripted as “Application for Empanelment of Retired Executives as Inquiring Authority in Oil India Limited” should be sent to the following address by speed post only.

General Manager (HR Relations) I/C
Field Headquarters
Oil India Limited
Duliajan, Dibrugarh, Assam-786602


#May also be forwarded to the below mentioned email id: IAempanelment@oilindia.in
#Last Date of Receiving Application (07.05.2022 till 23:59 hours)

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