Brahmaputra Board Recruitment 2021 | 39 Various Vacancy

Brahmaputra Board Recruitment 2021 | 39 Various Vacancy

Brahmaputra Board Guwahati
Last Date: 30/07/2021

Brahmaputra Board, Guwahati has current employment news for the recruitment 39 posts Deputy Chief Engineer, Superintending Engineer (Civil), Deputy Secretary, Executive Engineer (Civil & Mechanical), Assistant Executive Engineer (Civil & Mechanical) and Assistant Vacancies. Interested and eligible candidates read advertisement and may apply here.

Brahmaputra Board 2021 Vacancy details

1. Deputy Chief Engineer (Non-Ministerial Cadre)

No. of Posts: 03 [Three]

Eligibility Criteria: Officers of the Central Government or State Government or Union Territory Administrations or State Electricity Boards or Public Sector Undertakings or Statutory Organization or Autonomous bodied or Universities or recognized Research Institutions; (a) (i) holding analogous post in parent cadre or department on regular basis; or (ii) with five years regular service in the post Superintending Engineer in level-12 (Rs.78,800-2,09,200) in pay matrix rendered after appointment thereto on regular basis in parent cadre or department; and (b) Desirable: five years experience in Water Resources Project.

Place of Posting: Guwahati, Agartala, Siliguri

Scale of Pay: Level-13 (Rs.118500-214100)

2. Superintending Engineer (Civil) (Non-Ministerial Cadre)

No. of Posts: 08 [Eight]

Eligibility Criteria: Officers of the Central Government or State Government or Union Territory Administrations or State Electricity Boards or Public Sector Undertakings or Statutory Organization or Autonomous bodied or Universities or recognized Research Institutions; (a) (i) holding analogous post in parent cadre or department on regular basis; or (ii) with five years regular service in the post Executive Engineer in level-11 (Rs.67,700-2,08,700) in pay matrix their parent cadre or department; and (b) Desirable: five years experience in Water Resources Project.

Place of Posting: Guwahati, Nalbari, Jorhat, Gangtok, Imphal, Aizawl and Dimapur

Scale of Pay: Level-12 (Rs.78,800-209200)

3. Deputy Secretary (Ministerial Cadre)

No. of Post: 01 [One]

Eligibility Criteria: Officers of the Central Government or State Government or Union Territory Administrations or State Electricity Boards or Public Sector Undertakings or Statutory Organization or Autonomous bodied or Universities or recognized Research Institutions; (a) (i) holding analogous post in parent cadre or department on regular basis; or (ii) holding the post of Under Secretary in level-11 (Rs.67,700-2,08,700) in pay matrix in parent cadre or department including Indian Administrative Service or Central Secretariat Service with five years’ regular service in the grade; and (b) three years’ experience in handling administration matter involving Central Government rules, regulations and their applicability.

Place of Posting: Guwahati

Scale of Pay: Level-12 (Rs.78,800-209200)

4. Executive Engineer (Civil) (Non-Ministerial Cadre)

No. of Posts: 11 [Eleven]

Eligibility Criteria: Officers of the Central Government or State Government or Union Territory Administrations or State Electricity Boards or Public Sector Undertakings or Statutory Organization or Autonomous bodied or Universities or recognized Research Institutions; (a) (i) holding analogous post in parent cadre or department on regular basis; or (ii) with five years regular service in the post Assistant Executive Engineer (Civil) in level-10 (Rs.56,100-1,77,500) in pay matrix in parent cadre or department. (b) Desirable: Five years experience in Water Resources project.

Scale of Pay: Level-11 (Rs.67700-208700)

5. Executive Engineer (Mechanical) (Non-Ministerial Cadre)

No. of Post: 01 [One]

Eligibility Criteria: Officers of the Central Government or State Government or Union Territory Administrations or State Electricity Boards or Public Sector Undertakings or Statutory Organization or Autonomous bodied or Universities or recognized Research Institutions; (a) (i) holding analogous post in parent cadre or department on regular basis; or (ii) with five years regular service in the post Assistant Executive Engineer (Mechanical) in level-10 (Rs.56,100-1,77,500) in pay matrix in parent cadre or department. (b) Desirable: Five years experience in Water Resources project.

Scale of Pay: Level-11 (Rs.67700-208700)

6. Assistant Executive Engineer (Civil) (Non-Ministerial Cadre)

No. of Posts: 09 [Nine]

Eligibility Criteria: Officers of the Central Government or State Government or Union Territory Administrations or State Electricity Boards or Public Sector Undertakings or Statutory Organization or Autonomous bodied or Universities or recognized Research Institutions; (a) (i) holding analogous post in parent cadre or department on regular basis; or (ii) with five years regular service in the post Assistant Executive Engineer (Civil) in level-7 (Rs.44,900-1,42,400) in pay matrix in parent cadre or department. (b) Desirable: Two years experience in Water Resources project.

Scale of Pay: Level-10 (Rs.56,100-1,77,500)

7. Assistant Executive Engineer (Mechanical) (Non-Ministerial Cadre)

No. of Post: 01 [One]

Eligibility Criteria: Officers of the Central Government or State Government or Union Territory Administrations or State Electricity Boards or Public Sector Undertakings or Statutory Organization or Autonomous bodied or Universities or recognized Research Institutions; (a) (i) holding analogous post in parent cadre or department on regular basis; or (ii) with five years regular service in the post Assistant Executive Engineer (Mechanical) in level-7 (Rs.44,900-1,42,400) in pay matrix in parent cadre or department. (b) Desirable: Two years experience in Water Resources project.

Scale of Pay: Level-10 (Rs.56,100-1,77,500)

8. Assistant (Ministerial Cadre)

No. of Posts: 05 [Five]

Eligibility Criteria: Officers of the Central Government or State Government or Union Territory Administrations or State Electricity Boards or Public Sector Undertakings; (a) (i) holding analogous post in parent cadre or department; or (ii) with ten years regular service in the grade of Upper Division Clerk Level-4 (Rs.25,500-81,100) in Pay Matrix; and possessing 3 years’ experience of working in the various establishment jobs and knowledge of Central Government rules and regulations.

Scale of Pay: Level-6 (Rs.35,400-1,12,400)

How to Apply Brahmaputra Board Recruitment

Interested and eligible officer/officials may send their applications through proper channel with 4 (four) copies of biodata as per prescribed proforma (enclosed). Applications completed in all respect are to be forwarded through proper channel so as to reach the Secretary, Brahmaputra Board, Basistha, Guwahati-29 within 30.07.2021. Applications received earlier in Brahmaputra Board for these posts will continue to remain valid. Such candidates need not apply again.

Important Web Links of Brahmaputra Board Recruitment

Detailed Advertisement & Form: Click Here 

Official Website: Click Here
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