DSJ Kamrup (M) Guwahati Recruitment 2021 - 09 Various Vacancy

DSJ Kamrup (M) Guwahati Recruitment 2021 - 09 Various Vacancy

DSJ Kamrup (M), Guwahati
Last Date: 15 days (31/07/2021)

Office of the District & Sessions Judge (DSJ)-Cum-Chairman, District Legal Services Authority (DLSA), Kamrup (M) Guwahati has current employment news for the recruitment 09 vacancies for Chief Legal Aid Defence Counsel, Deputy Chief Legal Aid Defence Counsel, Assistant Legal Aid Defence Counsel, Office Assistant, Receptionist-Cum-Data Entry Operator and Office Peon

DSJ Kamrup (M) Guwahati 2021 Vacancy details

1. Chief Legal Aid Defence Counsel
No. of Post: 01

Qualification: L.L.B. along with practice in Criminal Law for at least 10 (Ten) years.

Consolidated Pay: Rs.50,000-75,000/- per month
Age limit (As on 01.01.2021): Not less than 35 years

2. Deputy Chief Legal Aid Defence Counsel
No. of Posts: 02

Qualification: L.L.B. along with practice in Criminal Law for at least 7 (Seven) years.

Consolidated Pay: Rs.30,000-60,000/- per month
Age limit (As on 01.01.2021): Not less than 35 years

3. Assistant Legal Aid Defence Counsel
No. of Posts: 02

Qualification: L.L.B. along with practice in Criminal Law for at least 3 (Three) years.

Consolidated Pay: Rs.20,000-40,000/- per month
Age limit (As on 01.01.2021): Not less than 30 years

4. Office Assistant
No. of Posts: 02

Qualification: Graduation along with a six (06) months diploma/Certificate in computer with proficiency in MS Office, Internet & email. Typing speed of 40 wpm is desirable.

Consolidated Pay: Rs.15,000-25,000/- per month
Age limit (As on 01.01.2021): 18 years to 40 years (Relaxation as per Govt. rules)

5. Receptionist –cum Data Entry Operator
No. of Post: 01

Qualification: Graduation along with a six (06) months diploma/Certificate in computer with proficiency in MS Office, Internet & email as well as Computer Hardware operation.

Consolidated Pay: Rs.15,000-25,000/- per month
Age limit (As on 01.01.2021): 18 years to 40 years (Relaxation as per Govt. rules)

6. Office Peon
No. of Post: 01

Qualification: Class 10th Passed.

Consolidated Pay: Rs.10,000-15,000/- per month
Age limit (As on 01.01.2021): 18 years to 40 years (Relaxation as per Govt. rules)

How to Apply for DSJ Kamrup (M) Guwahati Recruitment 

Duly filled applications on Standard Form of application (Assam Gazette Part IX) along with self attested photocopies of all the relevant testimonials and 2 (Two) copies of recent Passport size photographs should be addressed to The Secretary, District Legal Services Authority, Kamrup (M), District and Sessions Judge’s Court Campus, Panbazar, Guwahati-01. The name of the post should clearly be mentioned at the top of the envelop. Providing of contact numbers with e-mail Id are compulsory.

Important Web Link for DSJ Kamrup (M) Guwahati Recruitment 

Standard Form: Click Here 

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