APPSC Group-A Recruitment 2021 – 04 Assistant Conservator Forest Vacancy

APPSC Group-A Recruitment 2021 – 04 Assistant Conservator Forest Vacancy

Arunachal Pradesh Public Service Commission (APPSC) Itanagar has released employment news notification for the recruitment 04 posts “Assistant Conservator Forest (APFS-Entry Grade)” Vacancy under the Department of Environment and Forest, Govt of Arunachal Pradesh. Interested and Eligible Candidates read advertisement before apply.
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Last Date 05/11/2021
Recruitment Board

APPSC Group-A 2021 Vacancy Details 

Assistant Conservator Forest 

  • No. of posts: 04 (Forestry Graduates: 02 & Other Science Graduates: 02)
  • Educational Qualification: The candidates must possess a Bachelor’s Degree in Science from a recognized University or Institution with at least one of the following subjects:- Agriculture, Botany, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Statistics, Zoology, Forestry, Geology, Horticulture, Engineering (Agriculture/Chemical/Civil/Electrical /Electronics/Mechanical, Computer Science Application, Environmental Science, Veterinary Science and Computer Science & Engineering).
  • Pay Scale: Level-10, Rs.56100-177500/- per month plus other allowances as admissible
  • Age limit: A candidate must not be less than 18 years and above 32 years of age as on 05.11.2021. However, the upper age limit is relaxable in accordance with the orders issued by the Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh from time to time in respect of Arunachal Pradesh Scheduled Tribe candidates.

Application Fee for APPSC Group-A Recruitment

  • Candidates are required to pay fee of Rs.100/- for APST candidates and Rs.150/- only for others through online mode only.

How to Apply for APPSC Group-A Recruitment

  • Candidates are required to apply online only through website brief instruction for filling up of online application is available on the above mentioned website. Candidates must uploaded scanned copies of the following documents along with the application.
  • Scanned Signature of the candidate on white paper with black in pen (20kb to 60kb)
  • Recent passport size photo (size 40kb to 100kb)
  • Note: Candidates should not use Mobile phone to apply online and should carefully read and understand browser information before applying online.

Important Web Links for APPSC Group-A Recruitment

Apply Online Click Here
Detailed Advertisement Click Here

Method of Selection for APPSC Group-A Recruitment

The eligible candidates will be required to appear in the written examination in the following subjects:

(a) Compulsory Subject:-

  • General Knowledge: 100 marks
  • General English (Essay & Precise writing etc.): 100 marks
  • Mathematics (Secondary/Matriculation or equivalent Standards): 100 marks
  • Optional subjects (2 subjects carrying 200 marks each): 400 marks
  • Viva-voce: 80
A candidate is to select any 2 (two) of the subject listed in qualification above but will not be allowed to offer the following combination of subjects.

  • Agriculture, Agricultural Engineering & Veterinary Science
  • Chemical Engineering and Chemistry
  • Computer Application/Computer Science and Computer Science & Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering and Statistics
The candidates securing a minimum of 33% or more marks in each written examination papers and has secured 45% of marks out of aggregate total marks in the written examination papers shall be eligible for viva-voce. On the other hand, it will further mean that selection for viva-voce shall be based on the aggregate total marks secured in the written examination papers and subject to ratio of 1:3. The candidates securing less than 33% of marks in any of written examination paper shall not be eligible in the Viva-voice. However, the Selection Committee or Commission may lower the ‘Cut off Marks’ of 45% to certain extent, in case of non-availability of APST candidates securing the ‘Cut off marks’.

Medical Fitness: Those candidates who are declared to have qualified in the written examination will be called for Medical Test followed by Viva-voce/Interview.
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