APPSC HDO Recruitment 2021 – 18 Horticulture Development Officer Vacancy

APPSC HDO Recruitment 2021 – 18 Horticulture Development Officer Vacancy

Arunachal Pradesh Public Service Commission (APPSC) has released employment news notification for the recruitment 18 posts of Horticulture Development Officer (HDO) Vacancy in Group-A (Junior) Horticulture Service under the Department of Horticulture. Interested and eligible candidates read advertisement and apply here.
Application Process Online Form
Last Date 19/11/2021
Recruitment Board

APPSC HDO Recruitment 2021 Details 

Horticulture Development Officer (HDO)

  • No. of posts: 18 [APST: 14 & Unreserved: 04]
  • Eligibility: The applicants must possess a Bachelor’s Degree in Horticulture Science from a recognized University. However, candidates that have appeared in the final semester examination shall also be eligible to apply, subject to production of original certificate/mark sheet at the time of viva voce/Interview.
  • Pay Matrix: Level-10, Rs.56100-177500/- per month + other allowances as admissible.
  • Age limit: A candidate must not be less than 18 years and above 32 years of age as on 19.11.2021. However, upper age limit is relaxable in accordance with the orders issued by the Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh from time to time in respect of Arunachal Pradesh Scheduled Tribe candidates.

How to Apply for APPSC HDO Recruitment

Examination Fees: Candidates are required to pay fee of Rs.150/- for APST and Rs.200/- for others through online mode only.

  • Before applying online, candidates must mandatorily carry out ONE TIME REGISTRATION (OTR) on the Commission’s website
  • Candidates are required to apply online using the website Detail instructions for One Time Registration (OTR) and Online Application are available on the above-mentioned website. The applicants are advised to submit only single application; However, if due to any unavoidable situation, a candidate submits another/multiple applications, then he/she must ensure that application with the higher registration Ids (RID) is complete in all respect like Applicant’s details, Photograph, Signature, Photo ID, Fee etc. The application with higher RID shall be entertained by the Commission. Fee paid against one RID shall not be adjusted against any other RID.
  • Those candidates who have already registered in OTR need not register again and they can directly log in to fill up online form using their User ID and Password.
Scanned Copies of Documents and Information to be Attached/Uploaded

  • Signature of the candidate on white paper with black ink pen (20-60 kb in jpg format).
  • Latest/Recent passport size photo (40-100 kb in jpg format).
  • For final year students, Bonafide Certificate to be uploaded (100 kb jpg format).

Important Web Links for APPSC HDO Recruitment

Apply Online Click Here
Detailed Advertisement Click Here

Method for Selection of APPSC HDO Recruitment

The eligible candidate will have to appear in the written examination in the following subjects followed by viva-voce.

  • General English: 100 marks
  • General Knowledge: 100 marks
  • Horticulture Science Paper-I: 100 marks
  • Horticulture Science Paper-II: 100 marks
  • Viva Voce: 50 marks
Candidates who secure a minimum of 33% marks in each written examination paper and a minimum of 45% of marks out of aggregate total marks in the written examination papers shall be eligible for Viva-voce. However, of such eligible candidates, only a number three times the Number of Posts advertised (Ratio of 1:3) in the order of merit, shall be invited for the Viva- Voce/Personality Test.

Written Examination for APPSC HDO Recruitment

The candidates who have been declared qualified in the written examination will have to submit Xerox copies of the following documents/information to the Commission one week prior to the actual date of Interview/Viva-voce.

  • Recent passport size photographs
  • Self attested Xeroxed copies of Degree certificates and mark-sheet issued by the Assistant Registrar/ Registrar/Controller of Examination/Viva-Chancellor of the concerned University to ascertain degree.
  • Self-attested Xeroxed copy of Matriculation certificate for proof of age issued by the Board only will be accepted.
  • Self-attested Xeroxed copy of APST certificate for APST candidates and PRC/Aadhaar Card/EPIC for candidates other than APST.
  • All the supporting documents submitted by the candidates must be self-attested other-wise the application will be rejected.
Qualified candidates will have to produce the above mentioned certificates and mark-sheet/ documents in original at the time of Interview/Viva-voce, failing which he/she will not be allowed to appear in the Interview.
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