Indian Coast Guard Assistant Commandant Recruitment 2023 » 71 Vacancy

Indian Coast Guard Assistant Commandant Recruitment 2023 » 71 Vacancy

Indian Coast Guard 01/2024 BATCH.
Last Date: 09/02/2023.

Indian Coast Guard (Ministry of Defence) as an Assistant Commandant – General Duty, Commercial Pilot Licence (CPL-SSA), Technical (Engineering & Electrical/Electronics) & Law for 01/2024 BATCH. Application will be accepted ‘Online’ from 25th January, 2023 (1100 Hrs.) to 09th February, 2023 (1700 Hrs.).

Post Name Assistant Commandant
Total Posts 71
Organization Indian Coast Guard
Qualification 12th, Degree & Engineer
Application Process Online Form
Application Fee Rs. 250/-
Start Date 25/01/2023
Last Date 09/02/2023
Official Portal

The Indian Coast Guard, an Armed Force of the Union, offers a challenging career to young and dynamic Indian male/female candidates for various branches as an Assistant Commandant (Group ‘A’ Gazetted Officer). Registration of ‘online’ application will be through Coast Guard recruitment website

Indian Coast Guard Job Information Details

1. Branch: General Duty (GD)

  • Gender: Male
  • No. of vacancies: 40 nos.
  • Educational Qualification: (i) Should hold a degree of recognized university with minimum 60% aggregate marks. (ii) Mathematics and Physics as subject upto Intermediate or class XII of 10+2+3 scheme of education or equivalent with minimum 55% aggregate marks in Mathematics and Physics. The candidates who have completed graduation after diploma, are also eligible, provided they should possess an aggregate of 55% marks in diploma with physics and mathematics in its curriculum.
  • Age (Born Between): Born between 01 Jul 1998 to 30 Jun 2002 (Both dates inclusive). (05 Years relaxation for personnel serving in Coast Guard or equivalent personnel in Army/Navy/Air Force).
2. Branch: Commercial Pilot Licence (SSA) 

  • Gender: Male/Female
  • No. of vacancies: 10 nos.
  • Educational Qualification: Female (i) Should have passed 12th class or equivalent with physics and mathematics as subjects with minimum 55% aggregate marks in Mathematics and Physics. The candidates who have completed diploma are also eligible, provided they should possess an aggregate of 55% marks in diploma with physics and mathematics in its curriculum. (ii) Should possess current Commercial Pilot Licence issued/validated by Director General Civil Aviation on the date of submission of application.
  • Age (Born Between): Born between 01 Jul 1998 to 30 Jun 2004 (Both dates inclusive).
3. Branch: Technical (Mechanical)

  • Gender: Male
  • Educational Qualification: (i) Should hold an Engineering degree of recognized university in Naval Architecture or Mechanical or Marine or Automotive or Mechatronics or Industrial and Production or Metallurgy or Design or Aeronautical or Aerospace with minimum 60% aggregate marks. OR Equivalent qualification in any of the above disciplines recognized by the Institutes of the Engineers (India) as exempted from section ‘A’ and ‘B’ and their associate membership examination (AMIE). (d) (ii) Mathematics and Physics as subject upto intermediate or class XII of 10+2+3 scheme of education or equivalent with minimum 55% aggregate marks in Mathematics and Physics. The candidates who have completed graduation after diploma, are also eligible, provided they should possess an aggregate of 55% marks in diploma with physics and mathematics in its curriculum.
  • Age (Born Between): Born between 01 Jul 1998 to 30 Jun 2002 (Both dates inclusive). (05 Years relaxation for personnel serving in Coast Guard).
4. Branch: Technical (Electrical/Electronics)

  • Gender: Male
  • No. of vacancies: 20 nos.
  • Educational Qualification: (i) Should hold an Engineering degree of recognized university in Electrical or Electronics or Telecommunication or Instrumentation or Instrumentation and Control or Electronics and Communication or Power Engineering or Power Electronics with minimum 60% aggregate marks. OR Equivalent qualification in any of the above disciplines recognized by the Institutes of the Engineers (India) as exempted from section ‘A’ and ‘B’ and their associate membership examination (AMIE). (ii) Mathematics and Physics as subject upto intermediate or class XII of 10+2+3 scheme of education or equivalent with minimum 55% aggregate marks in Mathematics and Physics. The candidates who have completed graduation after diploma, are also eligible, provided they should possess an aggregate of 55% marks in diploma with physics and mathematics in its curriculum.
  • Age (Born Between): Born between 01 Jul 1998 to 30 Jun 2002 (Both dates inclusive). (05 Years relaxation for personnel serving in Coast Guard).
5. Branch: Law Entry

  • Gender: Male/Female
  • No. of vacancy: 01 no.
  • Educational Qualification: A degree in Law from a recognized university with minimum 60% aggregate marks.
  • Age (Born Between): Born between 01 Jul 1994 to 30 Jun 2002 (Both dates inclusive). (05 Years relaxation for personnel serving in Coast Guard or equivalent personnel in Army/Navy/Air Force).

Indian Coast Guard Offers You.

(a) Promotion and Pay Level. The promotions to the ranks will be as per the laid down promotion criteria. The pay scales for the various ranks are as per the 7th CPC are as follows: 


Pay Level (PL)

Starting Basic Pay (in)

Assistant Commandant



Deputy Commandant



Commandant (JG)






Deputy Inspector General



Inspector General



Additional Director General



Director General



The other pay and allowances are admissible as per the rules and regulation in addition to the above pay scale.

(b) Other Benefits. 

(i) Medical cover for self and family including dependent parents. 

(ii) Furnished Government accommodation for self & family on nominal license fee. 

(iii) 45 days Earned leave and 08 days Casual leave every year with Leave Travel Concession (LTC) for self, family and dependent parents as per Govt. rules.

(iv) Insurance cover of 1 Crore at a premium of 10000/- per month as Group insurance as per prevalent rules. 

(v) Contributory Pension Scheme and Gratuity on retirement as applicable. 

(vi) Canteen facilities and various loan facilities at subsidized rates. 

(vii) Learn &participate in various sports and adventure activities. 

(viii) ECHS medical facilities after retirement. 

(ix) Provision of Free Ration/Ration money allowance.

Additional Eligibility Criteria

(a) Candidates withdrawn on disciplinary grounds from any other service training academy are not eligible to appear.

(b) Candidates should not have been arrested, convicted or prosecuted on criminal charges. 

(c) If there is no vacancy for SC/ST/OBC (Non-creamy)/EWS category candidates, in such case, reserved category candidates can apply as unreserved, however, they will not be eligible for any age and passing marks concession/relaxation. SC/ST candidates can only be exempted from payment of application fee. 

(d) Candidates who are studying in the final year/final semester degree course and are yet to pass the final year degree examination can also apply provided candidate should not have any backlog and should have secured a minimum of 60% marks up to the last semester/year for which results have been declared at the time of submission of application. They are required to submit proof of passing the degree examination by 30 Nov 23 and no request for extending this date will be entertained on the grounds of late conduct of basic qualifying University Examination, delay in declaration of results or any other ground whatsoever. Such candidates have to produce a certificate signed by Registrar/Controller of the university regarding non declaration of final year/semester result (Format available on website).

Selection Procedure of Assistant Commandant

The selection of Officer Recruits is based on an all India order of merit which is based on the performance of candidate in various stages (I – V) of examination (explained in detail below) and the number of vacancies available for the post. Clearing of Stage I, II, III, IV and V is compulsory for recruitment in ICG. All candidates will be compulsorily subjected to biometric, photo identification and document verification during various stages of examination.

The details of various stages of examination are as follows: -

(a) Stage-I (CGCAT). The Stage-I would include conduct of screening Test for the eligible applicants which will be a Computer Based Examination conducted at various centers all over India. Screening test is to be conducted for candidates applying for the post of GD/CPL and Technical (Mechanical/Electrical & Electronics). The screening test will be conducted in MCQ pattern with maximum marks of 400 consisting of 100 questions with four marks for each correct answer and one negative marking for each incorrect answer. The duration of the exam will be of two hours and medium of test paper will be English. The candidate has to take following tests depending on post applied: -



No. of Questions (100 per section)


Section-I (for GD/CPL-SSA entry)



2 Hrs.

B:Reasoning & Numerical Ability


C:General Science & Mathematical aptitude


D:General Knowledge


Section-II (for Mechanical entry)



2 Hrs.

B:Reasoning & Numerical Ability


C:General Science & Mathematical aptitude


D:General Knowledge




Section-III (for Electrical & Electronics entry)



2 Hrs.

B:Reasoning & Numerical Ability


C:General Science & Mathematical aptitude


D:General Knowledge


E:Electrical & Electronics


(b) Stage-II {Preliminary Selection Board (PSB)}. Based on the performance in the Stage-I, candidates will be shortlisted for appearing in Stage-II(PSB)which will be conducted for a day at Noida, Mumbai/Goa, Chennai and Kolkata Centres. Candidates to give the choice of PSB centre at the time of filling of application form. Candidates will be screened through Computerized Cognitive Battery Test (CCBT) and Picture Perception & Discussion (PP&DT). The CCBT will be in English only and will be of objective type. During PP&DT the candidates are expected to speak and discuss in English. However, they are free to speak in Hindi if they wish to do so. The Stage-II examination is only of qualifying nature i.e. either Pass or Fail.

(c) Stage-III: Final Selection Board (FSB). The candidates qualifying for Stage-III will be intimated on completion of stage-II at respective centres. The schedule of Stage-III will be intimated to the candidate on personal Login IDs. The FSB call up letter along with reporting instructions will be intimated to candidates on personal Login IDs. FSB is conducted at the Coast Guard Selection Board (CGSB) located at Noida and spans over five days. The candidates are subjected to Psychological Test, Group Task and Interview (Personality test). The Final Selection will be conducted tentatively from Feb – Apr 2023. All documents/certificates verified during PSB are also required to be produced in originals during FSB. Board conference is held on last day and thereafter recommended candidates are sent for Stage-IV i.e. Special medical examination.

(d) Stage-IV (Medical Examination). The candidates who clear Stage-III are required to undergo a special medical examination at Base Hospital, New Delhi. Candidates declared unfit in Special Medical Board (SMB) are included in the merit list, because the candidates declared unfit in SMB have the liberty to appeal the verdict and will report for appeal medicals at designated service hospital within 42 days of completion of SMB. If declared unfit during appeal medicals, they have the option for asking for a review of the results. In this case, the approval of the review is accorded from Director General of Armed Forces Medical Services (DGAFMS) through Directorate of Medical Services/CGHQ. If the review is approved, the designated hospital for the conduct of the review is indicated in the approval. The decision of Review Medical Board (RMB) will be final and no further appeal will be accepted.

(e) Stage-V (Induction). The candidates who clear Stage - IV and stand in All India Merit List as per the vacancies available will be provisionally selected for training and will be required to report at INA Ezhimala for Naval Orientation Course (NOC) as per the instructions. All India Merit List will be based on combined marks of Stage-I and Stage-III. Candidates reporting at INA Ezhimala for training will first undergo photo and biometric verification.

Examination Fee of Assistant Commandant

Examination Fee. Candidates (except SC/ST candidates, who are exempted from payment of fee) are required to pay a fee of Rs.250/- (Rupees Two Hundred Fifty Only) through online mode by using net banking or by using Visa/Master/Maestro/RuPay/Credit/Debit Card/UPI. Admit card will be issued for the examination only to those candidates who have successfully paid the examination fee and who are entitled for waiver of examination fee.

(i) Exemption of Examination Fees. Candidates from SC/ST category are entitled for waiver of examination fee. Candidates are liable to be discharged/ rejected at any stage of recruitment/ training if it is found that false SC/ST certificate has been produced to claim waiver of examination fee/other concessions as applicable.

(ii) Unsuccessful Payment. In case candidate has made an online payment of fee and money has been deducted from your account (i.e., unsuccessful payment), Please check whether fees is auto refunded to the transaction originating account or please wait for 15 working days for automatic refund of money to your account and check transaction status in originating account.

(iii) Refund of Multiple Payments. If multiple payments are received from a candidate against single application, then that will be refunded back to the originating account after closing of registration and re-conciliation of all payment records. However, if candidate is found to fill multiple applications the amount with respect to applications not considered for recruitment process/cancelled will not be refunded.

(iv) Fee once paid shall not be refunded under any circumstances nor the fee be held in reserve for any other examination or selection.

How to Apply for Assistant Commandant?

(a) Applications will be accepted only ‘ONLINE’ from 25 Jan 2023 (1100 hrs) to 09 Feb 2023 (1700 hrs). The candidates are to login to and follow the instructions for registering yourself with e-mail ID/mobile number. The candidates are to ensure validity of e-mail and mobile number at least up to 31 Dec 2023.

(b) The candidate may apply for only one post viz. either Assistant Commandant (GD) or Assistant Commandant {Tech (Engg)} or Assistant Commandant {Tech(Elec)} or Assistant Commandant (CPL-SSA) or Assistant Commandant (Law) in reference to advertisement of one cycle of recruitment. If a candidate fills multiple applications in one particular recruitment cycle, then his latest application will be accepted and all previously filled applications will be rejected. Online application will be further scrutinized for eligibility and may be rejected at any stage if found ineligible in any respect.

(c) Documents to be uploaded in the application. The candidates will be required to upload documents in two phases. Few documents are required at the online application stage and few are required to be uploaded if shortlisted for Stage-II. The candidates are to scan the original documents (neither photocopy nor self-attested photocopy is to be scanned) as applicable for the post applied and upload in the online application.

Important Web-links for Indian Coast Guard

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