GHC Grade-I Recruitment 2022 – 13 Assam Judicial Service Vacancy

GHC Grade-I Recruitment 2022 – 13 Assam Judicial Service Vacancy

GHC Grade-I Recruitment 2022: The Gauhati High Court (GHC) at Guwahati has released an employment notification for the recruitment of 13 Grade-I of Assam Judicial Service Vacancy. Interested and Eligible Candidates may apply here.


Application Process Online Form
Job Location Guwahati
Start Date 25/05/2022
Last Date 07/06/2022
Last Date Fee Payment 10/06/2022
Official Website

GHC Grade-I Job Information Details

Assam Judicial Service 

No. of vacancy: 13 [UR: 12 & Reserved only for locomotor disabled: 01]

Eligibility Criteria:-

  • Must be holder of Degree in Law from a recognized University.
  • Must be practicing as an Advocate in Courts of Civil and Criminal jurisdiction on the last date fixed for receipt of applications and must have been so practicing for a period of not less than 7 (seven) years as on such date.
  • Must have attained the age of 35 (thirty five) years and must not have attained the age of 48 (forty eight) years in the case of candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes and 45 (forty five) years in the case of others, as on the last date fixed for receipt of applications.
Scale of pay: Rs.51550-1230-58930-1380-63070/- per month plus other allowances as admissible under the Rules.

Selection Criteria for GHC Grade-I Recruitment

(a) The Competitive Examination shall consist of a Preliminary Examination (Screening Test), a Main (Written) Examination and a Viva Voce/Interview.

(b) Those candidates who will secure 60% or more marks in the preliminary examination shall be eligible for appearing in the Main Examination:
Provided that the ratio on the basis of which the candidates will be called for the Main (Written) Examination shall be 1:10 (for one post 10 (ten) candidates will be called).

(c) All candidates who obtain 60% or more aggregate marks in the Main Written Examination subject to securing at least 45% marks in individual Paper-I, II & III and minimum 35% marks in the Official Language Paper (Paper-IV) shall be eligible for Viva Voce.

(d) The marks secured in the language paper shall be qualifying in nature and shall not be counted in the aggregate marks secured by the candidates in the examinations for the purpose of final selection.
The ratio in which the candidates will be called for viva voce/interview is 1:3 (3 candidates against 1 post) subject to marks obtained as stated above.

#Interview/Viva Voce: 50 marks
The candidates shall have to secure minimum 60% marks in the interview.

#The final evaluation will be in order of merit subject to overall suitability of the candidate.

How to Apply for GHC Grade-I Recruitment

#Candidates who fulfill the requisite criteria can submit their online application only.

#The applicant can upload his/her Photograph Image and Signature Image. The image format should be either .jpg, .png or .gif. No other image format will be accepted. The image size should be between 5 KB and 30 KB.

#After submission of candidature the candidate should take a print out of the Fee Payment Challan by clicking the Print Fee Payment Challan Form Button. The candidates can pay the fee amount after two working days from the date of submission and on or before the last date fixed for payment of fees. The payment can be made at any branch of State Bank of India. The mode of payment is cash only. For payment, the candidate should approach the bank along with the Challan copy and the fee amount reflected on the Challan. On payment of the same, the Bank will provide a Journal Number. Please ensure to have the bank official’s signature and seal on the Challan copy. Please keep the candidates copy of the Challan carefully for any future reference.

Application Fee:-

#SC/ST: Rs.250/-
#PwD: Nil
#All others: Rs.500/-

Important Web-links for GHC Grade-I Recruitment

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