ONGC Tripura Asset Recruitment 2023 » 04 Contract Medical Officer (CMO) Vacancy

ONGC Tripura Asset Recruitment 2023 » 04 Contract Medical Officer (CMO) Vacancy

Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC), Agartala.
Last Date: 08/01/2023.

ONGC Tripura Asset Recruitment 2023: Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC), Agartala has released an official advertisement notification for the recruitment of 04 Contract Medical Officer (CMO) vacancy. Interested and eligible candidates may apply online for ONGC Tripura Asset Recruitment 2023 starting from 2nd January 2023 to 08th January, 2023.

ONGC Tripura Asset Recruitment 2023 » 04 Contract Medical Officer (CMO) Vacancy

Mode of Apply Online Form
Job Location Tripura
Organization Name Oil and Natural Gas
Corporation Limited (ONGC)
Post Name Contract Medical Officer (CMO)
Total Posts 04
Start Date 02/01/2023
Last Date 08/01/2023
Last Date 08/01/2023
Interview Date 12/01/2023
Official Portal

ONGC Tripura Asset Recruitment 2023

Contract Medical Officer – Field Medical Officer (FMO)

No. of vacancy: 04 (UR: 03 & OBC: 01)

Qualification: Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS).

Emolument: ₹ 1,05,000/- (Rupees one lakh five thousand only).

Age limit: There is no maximum age limit for eligibility.

Other Details of ONGC Tripura Asset Recruitment 2023

Selection Criteria: Following weightages shall be assigned to different parameters in the selection process:

# Qualification: 70 marks (60 marks for essential qualification & up to 10 marks for in-line* higher qualifications).
# Interview: 30 marks.

Finalization of Merit List:

#  Candidates who qualify in the interview shall be empanelled in the Merit List. 

# Offer of appointment shall be issued to the candidates based on their relative rank in the Merit List prepared on the sum total of marks scored by the candidate in qualification and interview. 

# In case of a tie in the total marks scored between two candidates, then the candidate who scores more marks in interview shall be considered senior. In case there too the marks are equal then the candidate who is older in age shall be considered senior for issue of offer of appointment.

Medical Facilities:

# In-house OPD facility in respect of self, spouse and two immediate dependents i.e., children and/or parents. However, outside reference for medicine/consultation shall not be permissible. 

# Family floater cover of ₹ 7.5 lakhs for indoor treatment in respect of self, spouse and two immediate dependents i.e., children and/or parents.

Accommodation & Travelling Expenses:

# Contract Field Medical Officers shall be provided Drill Site/Production site accommodation at ONGC Drill Site/Production Installations on 14/28 days On-Off with 12 hours shift per day. Further for performing On-Off duty or journey while on tour, travelling expenses would be regulated by payment of two-way air fare in economy/premier economy class in shortest route from family/Operating station to work-centre for Field Duty Medical Officers on Contract and for from base site/installation- at par with regular ONGC employees.

How to Apply for ONGC Tripura Asset Vacancy 2023?

a) Candidates need to visit to register on our registration web-link. The registration site shall remain open from 02.01.2023 to 08.01.2023. 

b) Candidates need to attach the following documents in pdf format in their online form on the web-link and submit the same. 

# Signed Copy of any one Photo identity proof like PAN Card, Aadhar card, Passport, Driving License or Voter Id Card. 

# Copy of Passport size photograph in jpg/jpeg format. 

# Class 10th Board Certificate containing Date of Birth (DoB). No other proof for determining Date of Birth shall be considered. 

# Consolidated Marksheet of MBBS. 

# M.B.B.S. Degree. 

# Internship Completion Certificate. 

# Valid Registration Certificate with the statutory registration Council like MCI etc. 

# OBC Caste Certificate- Non creamy Layer. 

# Proof of Higher Qualification (if any) - Mark sheet of all semesters and Degree/Diploma Certificate. 

# Experience Certificate (if any). 

# No Objection Certificate (NOC) from existing employer, if any (in case the candidate is a regular employee in a Govt. organization/PSU). 

# Valid proof of change of name (in case, applicable). 

Important Web-links for ONGC Tripura Asset Vacancy

Online Registration Apply Now
Medical Norms Check Here
OBC Caste Certificate
and Undertaking Form
Check Here
ONGC Tripura Asset Advt. Check Here
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