SSC Recruitment 2024 » 312 Translator Vacancy

SSC Recruitment 2024 » 312 Translator Vacancy

SSC Translator Notification 2024: Staff Selection Commission (SSC), has released latest employment news for the recruitment of 312 Junior Translation Officer (JTO), Junior Hindi Translator (JHT) and Senior Hindi Translator (SHT) vacancy. All the details related to SSC Translator Recruitment 2024 are given below.

Staff Selection Commission (SSC)

SSC Recruitment Overview

Post Name

CHT Exam 2024

Total Posts


Advt. No.


Job Location

Across India




Master Degree

Application Mode

Online Form

Last Date

Aug’ 25, 2024

Official Portal

SSC Recruitment Details

Post Name

Pay Scale

Junior Translation Officer (JTO) in Central Secretariat Official Language Service (CSOLS)

Level-6 (Rs.35400- 112400)

Junior Translation Officer (JTO) in Armed Forces Headquarters (AFHQ)

Level-6 (Rs.35400- 112400)

Junior Hindi Translator (JHT)/ Junior Translation Officer (JTO)/Junior Translator (JT) in various Central Government Ministries/ Departments/Organizations

Level-6 (Rs.35400- 112400)

Senior Hindi Translator (SHT)/ Senior Translator (ST) in various Central Government Ministries/ Departments/Organizations

Level-7 (Rs.44900- 142400)

Essential Qualification

(i) JTO & JHT:

Master's degree of a recognized University in Hindi with English as a compulsory or elective subject or as the medium of examination at the degree level;


Master's degree of a recognized University in English with Hindi as a compulsory or elective subject or as the medium of examination at the degree level;


Master's degree of a recognized University in any subject other than Hindi or English, with Hindi medium and English as a compulsory or elective subject or as the medium of a examination at the degree level;


Master's degree of a recognized University in any subject other than Hindi or English, with English medium and Hindi as a compulsory or elective subject or as the medium of examination at the degree level;


Master's Degree of a recognized University in any subject other than Hindi or English, with Hindi and English as compulsory or elective subjects or either of the two as a medium of examination and the other as a compulsory or elective subject at degree level.


Recognized Diploma or Certificate course in translation from Hindi to English & vice versa or two years‟ experience of translation work from Hindi to English and vice versa in Central or State Government Office, including Government of India Undertaking.

(ii) SHT & HT: 

Master's degree of a recognized University in Hindi with English as a compulsory or elective subject or as the medium of examination at the degree level;


Master's degree of a recognized University in English with Hindi as a compulsory or elective subject or as the medium of examination at the degree level;


Master's degree of a recognized University in any subject other than Hindi or English, with Hindi medium and English as a compulsory or elective subject or as the medium of examination at the degree level;


Master's degree of a recognized University in any subject other than Hindi or English, with English medium and Hindi as a compulsory or elective subject or as the medium of examination at the degree level;


Master's Degree of a recognized University in any subject other than Hindi or English, with Hindi and English as compulsory or elective subjects or either of the two as a medium of examination and the other as a compulsory or elective subject at degree level.


Recognized Diploma or Certificate course in translation from Hindi to English & vice versa or three years‟ experience of translation work from Hindi to English and vice versa in Central or State Government Office, including Government of India Undertaking.

Other Details of SSC Translator

Age Limit: 18 to 30 years as on 01.08.2024, i.e., candidates born not before 02.08.1994 and not later than 01.08.2006 are eligible to apply.

Application Fee: (i) Rs 100/- (Rs one hundred only). (ii) Women candidates and candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes (SC), Scheduled Tribes (ST), Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBD) and Ex-Servicemen eligible for reservation are exempted from payment of fee. (iii) Fee can be paid only through online payment modes, namely BHIM UPI, Net Banking, or by using Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, or RuPay Debit card. Online fee can be paid by candidates up to 26.08.2024 (23:00 hours).

Scheme of Exam: (i) Paper-I (Computer Based Examination): The questions will be designed to test the candidates understanding of the languages and literature, correct use of words, phrases and idioms and ability to write the languages correctly, precisely and effectively. The questions will be of degree level. (ii) Paper-II (Translation and Essay): This paper will contain two passages for translation - one passage for translation from Hindi to English and one passage for translation from English to Hindi, and an Essay each in Hindi and English, to test the candidates‟ translation skills and their ability to write as well as comprehend the two languages correctly, precisely and effectively. The level of the paper will be consistent with the educational qualifications prescribed.

Mode of Selection: Minimum qualifying marks in Computer Based Examination are as follows: (i) UR: 30% (ii) OBC/EWS: 25% (iii) All Other Categories: 20%.

Important Datelines



Start Date to Apply


Last Date to Apply


Last Date of Fee Payment


How to Apply?

Follow these steps to apply online for the SSC Recruitment 2024.

Step 1: Refer to the SSC 2024 Notification PDF provided below.

Step 2: Click on the Apply Online link given below.

Step 3: Fill out the online application form.

Step 4: Upload the required documents.

Step 5: Pay the required application fees.

Step 6: Print the application form.

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