SoCRAN Nagaland Recruitment 2022 – 98 Assistant, Engineer & Coordinator Vacancy

SoCRAN Nagaland Recruitment 2022 – 98 Assistant, Engineer & Coordinator Vacancy

SoCRAN Nagaland Recruitment 2022: Society for Climate Resilient Agriculture in Nagaland (SoCRAN), Nagaland has released a latest employment news notification for the recruitment of 98 Technical Assistant, Computer Assistant, Junior Engineer and Block Level Field Coordinator Vacancy @ at District Project Management Unit (DPMU). Interested and eligible candidates may apply SoCRAN Nagaland jobs Online submission of application via email on or before 9th November, 2022.


SoCRAN Nagaland Recruitment Details

1. Technical Assistant 
No. of vacancy: 04 [ST]

2. Computer Assistant 
No. of vacancy: 01 [ST]

3. Junior Engineer
No. of vacancy: 09 [ST]

4. Block Level Field Coordinator
No. of vacancy: 92 [ST]

Educational Qualification for SoCRAN Nagaland

1. Agriculture Technical Assistant


# Post Graduate degree in Agronomy/Agricultural Economics/Plant Breeding or a related field.
# Preference shall be given to PhD in Agronomy/Agricultural Economics/Plant Breeding

Other desired Skills:

# Proficiency in MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint.
# Creative Documentation skills.

Experience: At least 5 years working experience in agronomy, soil improvement, either in the government or in the private sector.

Location of Job: SoCRAN – PMU, Nagaland

Reporting Line: PIT-Agri &State Project Director (SPD) of FOCUS, SoCRAN, Nagaland

Job Description:

# Assisting in identification and planning of location specific feasible Integrated farming systems (IFS)

# Preparing training materials for different aspects of package of practices for selected IFS and crops including spice crops to be grown in jhum and TRC areas.

# Assisting in selection of improved varieties of crops cultivated in current jhum areas and TRC areas.

# Mainstreaming of gender and youth in agriculture related activities.

# Ensure all M&E related functions are coordinated from field and reported timely.

# Dissemination of improved production technology including soil fertility improvement options in current jhum and in TRC.

# Documentation and compilation of project activity reports undertaken in jhum and TRC.

# Documentation of success stories, good agricultural practices.

# Assisting in development of virtual training materials including short videos.

# Provide support on any emerging issues, as needed.

# Any other task assigned by the PIT/ SPD.

2. Technical Assistant Soil & Water Conservation

Qualification:  Postgraduate degree in Agriculture/Forestry/Agriculture Engineering, or other related field.


# Experience of at least 3 years of working in the field of soil and water conservation in either research or development sector.

# Knowledge and experience in the design, planning and implementation of soil and water conservation measures.

# Knowledge in mapping and survey work.

Other desired Skills:

# Knowledge in remote sensing & GIS and ease in handling GPS and other mapping devices.

# Proficiency in MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint.

# Creative Documentation skills.

Location of Job: SoCRAN – PMU, Nagaland

Reporting Line: PIT-Soil &State Project Director (SPD) of FOCUS, SoCRAN, Nagaland

Job Description:

# Provide technical support and training in the preparation of land use plans together with the project staff, Village Councils and communities and allied departments.

# Coordinate with departments like Agriculture and Forest, Environment and Climate Change for planning and implementation of soil and water conservation (SWC) measures in the jhum, upland/settled, terraced rice cultivation (TRC) and community conservation areas (CCA).

# Technical support on soil and water conservation measures and technologies, including planning and implementation, construction of water harvesting structures, terraces, trenches, bunds, etc.

# Technical support and training to the FIG members on SWC to facilitate uptake of terraced rice cultivation.

# Contribute to the elaboration of environmental and social impact assessments for the individual measures to be implemented.

# Study current Jhum practices to develop an improved understanding of the cycle.

# Study specific production practices that promote integrated farming practices for enabling sustainable land and ecological management.

# Technical backstopping support and training to village level functionaries in use of the land use plans.

# Mainstreaming of gender and youth in agriculture related activities.

# Ensure all M&E related functions are coordinated from field and reported timely.

# Documentation of and writing various reports.

# Any other task assigned by the PIT/SPD.

3. Horticulture Technical Assistant


# Minimum Postgraduate degree in Horticulture.
# Preference will be given to PhD holder in Horticulture.


# Minimum three years of work experience in government or private sector in the field of Sustainable Horticulture (fruits, nuts, vegetables and spices) and value addition.

# Experience in Horticulture crop production and agro-economics relevant to the North East Region.

# Knowledge of development and Management of projects particularly integrated farming systems (IFS) models and working experience with Farmer’s producer Organisation (FPO) or other farmer’s groups.

# A combination of experience in agronomy and economics of fruits, nuts and spices production will be an added advantage.

# Demonstrated ability to set priorities and to work with minimum supervision in order to meet changing deadlines and having good knowledge in analysis and report writing.

Other desired Skills:

# Proficiency in MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint.
# Documentation skills.

Location of Job: SoCRAN – PMU, Nagaland

Reporting Line: PIT-Horti &State Project Director (SPD) of FOCUS, SoCRAN, Nagaland

Job Description:

# Work in coordination with other experts such as, Agronomy and Soil and Water Conservation (SWC) in the planning and preparation of Integrated farming system models (IFS) for project villages.

# Contribution in the preparation of plans/models, especially on fruits, nuts and spices growing aspects in project villages, including the delivery of farm inputs, harvesting of the commodities and their post-production handling.

# Providing support and guide for fruits, nuts and spices nursery management, and time to time oversee nursery operations, and demonstrate planting methods for selected crops, identify plant pest and diseases and their management.

# Support the manager Gender and Community Institution in formation and development of the FPO and other community institutions.

# Training of Village Council members, lead farmers and farmers on nursery, crop production management, and aggregation and storage.

# Market assessment for demand and prices and feeding this information to the community in close coordination with marketing unit of the project.

# Mainstreaming of gender and youth in agriculture related activities.

# Ensure all M&E related functions are coordinated from field and reported timely.

# Should have a good health status and fit to accept travel assignments.

# Providing support on any emerging issues, as needed.

# Any other task assigned by the PIT/ SPD.

4. Livestock Technical Assistant


# Minimum Bachelor Degree in Veterinary Sciences & Animal Husbandry (BVSc & AH).
# Preference will be given to Postgraduate degree, PhD in any field of Animal Husbandry/Veterinary Science.


# Minimum three years of experience of working in the government or private sector in the field of animal production and animal health.

# Experience in piggery/poultry production and agro-economics relevant to the North East Region and the country as a whole;

# Knowledge of development and Management of projects, particularly in the piggery and poultry sector and ease of working with computers/laptops.

# Previous experience with the projects financed by International Financial Institutions.

# Demonstrated ability to set priorities and to work with minimum supervision in order to meet changing deadlines;

# Fluent in English is essential and working knowledge of local language is preferential.

# Should have a good health status and fit to accept travel assignments.

# Experience of working in NE states.

# Experience in conducting trainings on piggery and poultry sectors will be preferred.

# Experience in forming and managing Livestock Producers Organisation (LPO).

Other desired Skills:

# Proficiency in MS Word, MS Excel, MS Powerpoint.
# Creative Documentation skills.
# Efficient communication and extension skills.

Location of Job: SoCRAN – PMU, Nagaland

Reporting Line: PIT-Vety. &State Project Director (SPD) of FOCUS, SoCRAN, Nagaland

Job Description:

# Development of plans for livestock/animal husbandry sector according to the following key parameters:

# Housing (prevailing animal housing system, suggestions for improvement of housing structures, quality assurance to local needs);

# Breeding (Breeding program, litter size and egg-laying performance, piglet & chicken sales);

# Feed supply (feed production and cultivation practices, concentrates, feed purchasing strategy, premixes, suppliers, timing);

# Feeding operations (pig and poultry - starter, grower, pregnant and finisher rations, facilities for feed analysis);

# Farm management, planning and performance (prevailing animal management system and suggestions for improvement;

# Animal health – disease control, treatment protocols, preventative vaccination program, bio-security & disease reporting);

# Business processes (piggery and poultry farm business processes).

# Development of hygienic meat /marketing system, quality profile, waste management.

5. Computer Assistant PMU

Qualification: Graduate from any recognized university with Certificate in Computer


# Minimum 2 years of experience
# Experience in Content writing, mass media would be an advantage

Age limit maximum 45 Yrs as on 31.03.2018

Location of Job: SoCRAN – PMUs, Nagaland

Remuneration: Rs.30000/PM

Reporting Line: State Project Director of FOCUS, SoCRAN

Job Description:

# Data entry, typing,

# Maintain files, records etc.

# Content Writing and Media Coverage of Project activities

# Undertaking field visit when required

# Any other task assigned by the SPD

6. Junior Engineer- DMU

Qualification: Minimum bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering or minimum Diploma in Civil Engineering.

Experience: At least 2 years of professional experience and minimum 1 years of similar work experience for Bachelor’s Degree in civil Engineering or at least 4 years of professional experience and minimum 2 years of similar work experience for Diploma in Civil Engineering

Other desired Skills:

# Knowledge of Advanced Excel, MIS, Dashboards and proficient in cost control.
# Good data analytical ability.
# Ability to train junior staff.

Location of Job: District office of SoCRAN – PMU, Nagaland

Reporting Line: DAO/DPM/, State Project Director (SPD) of FOCUS, SoCRAN, Nagaland

Job Description:

# Verification and certification of the Contractor's work plan, material sources, camp location, etc.

# Preparing and issuing monthly/quarterly and annual reports as defined subsequently.

# Issuing working drawings, supe12rvise the setting of the works, and giving instructions to the Contractor.

# Inspecting and testing all materials and works to ensure compliance with specifications and giving immediate notice to the Contractor in the event that such materials and works fail to comply with the specifications.

# Maintaining records, correspondence, and diaries, including labour and equipment attendance;

# Certifying work volume and interim certificates for progress payments.

# Assisting PMU with the maintenance of consolidated project accounts, and with preparation of financial statements.

# Reviewing and recommending to PMU variation orders, extensions of time, claims, and other matters that may come from the Contractor.

# Negotiating with the Contractor and recommending to PMU the rates for any unscheduled items of work that may arise.

# Ensuring compliance with Environmental requirements of civil works, and providing information to PMU on those processes in the monthly progress reports.

# Inspecting the works at appropriate intervals during the defects liability period and certifying the defects liability certificate for issuance by the PMU;

# Ensuring that all State Occupational Health requirements are complied with by the Contractor as well as any health and safety provision as required in the Contract.

# Ensure all M&E related functions are coordinated from field and reported timely.

# Any other task assigned by the DMU/PIT that would contribute to the realization of Project objectives.

7. Block Level Field Coordinator (BLFC)

Qualification: Should have a minimum Graduate degree from a recognized University in Agriculture/Forestry/Veterinary/Horticulture/Fishery/Agricultural Engineering/ Home Science/ Rural Development/ Social Works.

Experience: Preference shall be given to those candidates having 1-2 years of experience in project related works.

Other desired Skills:

# Willingness to travel extensively in project areas and night stay in villages.
# To undertake field visit for 15 days a month
# Ability to interact easily with Rural Communities.
# Basic Computer Knowledge MS Word, Excel, MS Power point.
# Documentation skills

Other desired preference: Preference shall be given to the locals of the area of the posting.

Location of Job: Block/District office of SoCRAN – PMU, Nagaland

Remuneration: Rs. 25000/PM

Reporting Line: DPM/PIT, State Project Director (SPD) of FOCUS, SoCRAN, Nagaland

Job Description: The BLFCs will function and operate at the assigned villages. The assignment area of work for each block staff shall consist of 6-8 no. of villages. However, the number of villages per staff may differ depending upon the number of villages, the total HH and the distance /location of the village. The BLFCs will be the key person responsible for guiding the implementation of the various project activities at the villages. They will provide technical assistance and capacity building support to community institutions. The BLFC will also record and document the progress of the project and furnish the records and documents to DMU for onward submission to the PMU.

How to Apply for SoCRAN Nagaland Recruitment?

Application with detailed bio-data (in prescribed format), Scan copy of supporting certificates to be submitted Online latest by 5.00 PM on or before 9th November 2022 to The State Project Director of Fostering Climate Resilient Upland Farming System in North East’ Project – Nagaland (FOCUS) email address Applications if not submitted in prescribed format or if not self-attested, or not sent through the email address stated, will be rejected.

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