Manipur CSCCE Recruitment 2023 » 100 Vacancy, Apply Online

Manipur CSCCE Recruitment 2023 » 100 Vacancy, Apply Online

Manipur Public Service Commission (MPSC).
Last Date: 31/01/2023.

Manipur CSCCE Recruitment 2023: Manipur Public Service Commission (MPSC) are invited for the Manipur Civil Services Combined Competitive (Preliminary) Examination  CSCCE, 2022 for the recruitment of 100 vacancy. Interested and eligible candidates may apply online for Manipur CSCCE Recruitment 2023 starting from 15th December 2022 to 31st January, 2023.

Manipur Civil Services Combined Competitive (Preliminary) Examination, 2022

Mode of Apply Online Form
Job Location Manipur
Organization Name Manipur Public Service Commission
Exam Name Manipur CSCCE 2022
Total Posts 100
Salary 43k above per month-
Start Date 15/12/2022
Last Date 31/01/2023
Official Portal

Manipur CSCCE Recruitment 2023 Details

1. Manipur Civil Service Grade-II
No. of vacancy: 17 [UR: 09, ST: 06 & OBC: 02]
Scale of pay: Rs. (53100-167800) (Rs. 9,300-34,800/- plus GP Rs.5,400 as per ROP, 2010).

2. Manipur Police Service Grade-II
No. of vacancy: 25 [UR: 12, SC: 01, ST: 07 & OBC: 05]
Scale of pay: Rs. (53100-167800) (Rs. 9,300-34,800/- plus GP Rs.5,400 as per ROP, 2010).

3. Manipur Finance Service Grade-III
No. of vacancy: 10 [UR: 06, ST: 03 & OBC: 01]
Scale of pay: Rs. (43300-137100) (Rs. 9300-34,800/- plus GP Rs. 4,400 as per ROP, 2010).

4. Sub Deputy Collector
No. of vacancy: 33 [UR: 19, ST: 10 & OBC: 04]
Scale of pay: Rs. (43300-137100) (Rs. 9300-34,800/- plus GP Rs. 4,400 as per ROP, 2010).

5. Manipur Secretariat Service Category-VI
No. of vacancy: 15 [UR: 09, ST: 01 & OBC: 05]
Scale of pay: Rs. (43300-137100) (Rs. 9300-34,800/- plus GP Rs. 4,400 as per ROP, 2010).

Eligibility Conditions: 

(i) The candidate must be a citizen of India. 

(ii) A candidate must be able to speak Manipuri or any of the Tribal Dialects of Manipur. 

(iii) A candidate must be a permanent resident of Manipur. Provided that a candidate whose parent or any of his/her ancestors in his/her direct lineage are/were permanent resident of the State, (with proper documentary proof like enrolment in the Electoral Roll and Birth Certificate) then he/she will also be eligible. 

(iv) Age Limit: (a) Shall not be less than 21 years and not more than 38 years as on 1st of July, 2022. (b) The upper age limit is relaxable by 5 years for SC/ST, 3 years for OBC and 10 years for Persons with Disabilities. Candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC who are also physically handicapped will be eligible for grant of cumulative age relaxation under both the categories. (c) As per decision of the Government conveyed vide letter No COMM1/3/2022-DP-DP dated 1st December, 2022, the upper age limit will be relaxed for 3 (three) years across all categories, as a one-time measure to compensate for the cancellation of MCSCCE, 2019. Candidates, who are eligible in terms of age as on 1st July, 2019 will be eligible to apply in this examination. 

(v) Educational Qualification: A candidate must hold a degree of any of the Universities incorporated by an Act of the Central or State Legislature in India or other Educational Institutions established by an Act of Parliament or declared to be deemed as a University under Section 3 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956 or possess an equivalent qualification as prescribed under Clause 6 (iii) of Schedule II, Chapter I of the Manipur Civil Services Combined Competitive Examination Rules, 2022.

Application Fee of Manipur CSCCE Recruitment 2023

Fee: Candidates are required to pay a fee of Rs. 600/- for General & OBC and for Rs. 400/- for SC & ST by using net banking, Visa/Master Card/Debit Card through portal. No fee is payable for DAP (Differently Abled Candidates) 

Note 1: Candidates should note that payment of examination fee can be made only through online mode as mentioned above. Payment of fee through any other mode is neither valid nor acceptable. Application submitted without prescribed fee/mode shall be summarily rejected. 

Note 2: Fee once paid shall not be refunded under any circumstances nor can the fee be held in reserve for any other examination or selection. 

Note 3: For the Applicants in whose case payments details have not been received from the bank, they will be treated as fictitious payment cases and their applications will be rejected in the first instance. A list of such applicants shall be made available on the Commission’s website after the last date of their fee payment. On receipt of documentary proof, genuine fee payment cases will be considered and their applications will be revived, if they are otherwise eligible. 

How to Apply for Manipur CSCCE Recruitment 2023?

a). Click on “Notification” and open the details by clicking on the “Subject/Title” Link and. 

b). Click on “Submit Your Application” Link. 

c). Enter your Details properly, Mobile (preferably WhatsApp enabled Mobile Number).

d). Check everything especially Name, email Address, Mobile Number and Date of Birth, Gender, Employment Status (Government Employee), Physical Nature and Category before pressing "Save and Go to Next Part" link 

e). Enter Address, Parents’ Details and click "Save and Continue" and Proceed to Education, Language and Work Experience Details 

f). Educational details must be furnished starting from Tenth Class (Class X) up to the Highest Qualification 

g). Work Experience Details: Submit Scanned NOC in place of Experience Certificate if Applicant is a Government Employee. 

h). Add your Post Preference (Add at least One Post, add only those post which is applicable and deemed fit/eligible for you): 

i). After adding all required details Click on "Continue" link and Proceed to Upload Document and Photos Page. 

j). Upload your latest scanned copy of Photos, Signature and Other Details Click on Save and Continue to proceed to Final Confirmation Page 

k). Give one final Check, tick the Declaration Checkbox and Click on Confirm and Pay Button 

l). You will be redirected to payment gateway where you will be asked to make the payment. Select your desired mode and pay. (For DAP/PWD candidate payment part will be skipped and redirected to final page).

# In case of any problem being faced in the processing of the online application, drop a mail at along with your phone number and the problem being faced, from your registered user mail ID.

Important Web-links for Manipur CSCCE Recruitment 2023

Manipur CSCCE Apply Online Check Here
Manipur CSCCE Notification Check Here
Join our Social Check Here

FAQs of Manipur CSCCE:

Ans: Apply Online through official website

Ans: December 15, 2022

Ans: January 31, 2023

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