Assam LSA Recruitment 2023 – 05 Consultants Vacancy

Assam LSA Recruitment 2023 – 05 Consultants Vacancy

Engagement of consultants for the vacant post of Group “B” and Group “C” on a temporary contract basis in O/0 the Additional Director General Telecom, Assam LSA.

Assam Licensed Service Area (LSA), Guwahati, Department of Telecommunication (DoT), Ministry of Communications proposes to engage the following consultants on a purely temporary and on contract basis. Assam LSA has released official advertisement notification for the recruitment of 05 Consultant vacancy. All the details related to Assam LSA Recruitment 2023 are given below.

Assam LSA Recruitment 2023 Overview

Recruitment Organization

Department of Telecommunications (DoT)

Post Name


Advt. No.

3, Dated: 24.03.2023




7th CPC

Job Location

Guwahati, Assam

Last Date to Apply

May 24, 2023

Mode of Apply



Assam LSA Recruitment

Official Website

Assam LSA Job Information Details

1. Post Name: Consultant at AD Level
No. of vacancies: 02 (Two)

2. Post Name: Consultant at JTO Level
No. of vacancies: 02 (Two)

3. Post Name: Consultant at Group-C
No. of vacancy: 01 (One)

Eligibility for Assam LSA: -

a) For the officers retired from Central Government: - 

(i) For consultant at AD Level (Group-B) – Retired from CDA scale with substantive grade of Level 8 of the 7th CPC. 

(ii) For consultant at JTO Level (Group-B) – Retired from CDA scale with substantive grade of Level 7 of the 7th CPC. 

(iii) For consultant at Group C Level (Group-B) – Retired from CDA scale with substantive grade of Level 4/5 of the 7th CPC.

b) For the officers retired from PSUs: - 

(i) For consultant at AD Level (Group-B) – Retired from CDA scale with minimum substantive grade of Level 8 of the 7th CPC or equivalent IDA scale or holding analogus post or above. 

(ii) For consultant at JTO Level (Group-B) – Retired from CDA scale with substantive grade of Level 7 of the 7th CPC or equivalent IDA scale or holding analogous post or above. 

(iii) For consultant at JTO Level (Group-B) – Retired from CDA scale with substantive grade of Level 4/5 of the 7th CPC or equivalent IDA scale or holding analogous post.

 Preference will be given to applicants from DoT/BSNL/MTNL/ITI/TCIL background. However, retired person from BSNL/ MTNL under VRS-2019 are not eligible to apply.

Age Limit: Candidate should not be more than 64 years of age on the last date of application.

Nature of Duties for Assam LSA

⭆ Works may be assigned in any of the following verticals of the Assam LSA: 

a) Service Compliance- CAF Audit, EMR Audit, Service Testing, Roll out obligation, etc. 

b) Technology- Secured dedicated communication network, Time Synchronization of Telecom Networks, Disaster Technology Management, interconnect Exchange, Inspections of Licensee Network, Advocacy & Public Awareness, etc. 

c) Security-Operation and Maintenance of CMS/IMS, Curbing illegal activities/Control over clandestine/illegal operation of telecom networks, Analysis of CDR/SDR, and other security activities assigned from time to time. 

d) Rural- Rural connectivity for DBT, verification of OSO sites, RF coverage testing/telecom connectivity checking, etc. 

e) Admin, Legal, PG & Vigilance-Admin, PG, Building, Vigilance, Court case & Misc, Admin activities, etc.

Selection Procedure of Assam LSA

⭆ A selection panel shall be constituted for this purpose and it will be valid for a period of 6 months. The decision of the department in the matter of selection of consultants shall be final and binding. Suitable candidates may also be called for interaction/interview (Physical or on VC). No TA/DA will be paid for interaction.

How to Apply for Assam LSA Recruitment 2023?

 All pages signed and dully filled up , as per format named as Annexure-A, Annexure-B and Annexure-C to be sent to this office .

 Address: Addl. DGT, Assam LSA, DoT, 9th Floor, BSNL Bhawan, Pan Bazar, Guwahati -781001

Important Web-links for Assam LSA Recruitment 2023

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