DSJ West Karbi Anglong Recruitment 2023 – 22 Peon, UDA & Other Vacancy

DSJ West Karbi Anglong Recruitment 2023 – 22 Peon, UDA & Other Vacancy

Office of the District & Sessions Judge (DSJ), West Karbi Anglong, Hamren has released 2 nos. latest official advertisement notification for the recruitment of 22 Peon, Jarikarak, Chowkidar, Driver, Sheristadar, Head Assistant, UDA and other various vacancy. All the details related to DSJ West Karbi Anglong Recruitment 2023 are given below.
DSJ West Karbi Anglong Notification

DSJ West Karbi Anglong Recruitment Overview

Recruitment Organization

District & Sessions Judge (DSJ)

Post Name

Grade-III & Grade-IV

Advt. No.






Job Location

West Karbi Anglong, Assam

Last Date to Apply

April 27, 2023

Mode of Apply



DSJ West Karbi Anglong Vacancy

Official Website


DSJ West Karbi Anglong Recruitment 2023 Details

1. Post Name: Peon

  • No. of vacancy: 06 (UR: 04, STP: 01 & SC: 01)
  • Qualification: Class VIII passed and those who have passed HSSLC or above shall not be eligible to apply for the post.
  • Scale of Pay: PB-1, Rs.12000-37500/- + GP Rs.3900/-
  • Age limit: Candidates must not be less than 18 years of age or more than 40 years of age as on 30,03.2023. The upper age is relaxable as per Govt. norms.
2. Post Name: Jarikarak (Process Server)

  • No. of vacancy: 02 (UR)
  • Qualification: Graduate in any discipline.
  • Scale of pay: Rs.14000-60500/- + GP Rs.800/- per month along with other admissible allowances as per ROP Rules, 2017. 
  • Age limit: Candidates must not be less than 18 years of age or more than 40 years of age as on 30,03.2023. The upper age is relaxable as per Govt. norms.
3. Post Name: Chowkidar

  • No. of vacancy: 01 (UR)
  • Qualification: Class VIII passed and those who have passed HSSLC or above shall not be eligible to apply for the post.
  • Scale of pay: PB-1, Rs.12000-37500/- + GP Rs.3900/- 
  • Age limit: Candidates must not be less than 18 years of age or more than 40 years of age as on 30,03.2023. The upper age is relaxable as per Govt. norms.
4. Post Name: Driver

  • No. of vacancy: 03 (UR: 02 & STH: 01)
  • Qualification: Class VIII passed and should possess valid Driving License.
  • Scale of pay: Rs.14000-60500/- + GP Rs.800/- per month along with other admissible allowances as per ROP Rules, 2017. 
  • Age limit: Candidates must not be less than 18 years of age or more than 40 years of age as on 30,03.2023. The upper age is relaxable as per Govt. norms.
5. Post Name: Sheristadar (Chief Administrative Officer)

  • No. of vacancy: 01 (UR)
  • Qualification: The Candidate must be a graduate and must have served either as Sheristadar of Addl. District & Sessions Judge or Head Assistant in the District & Sessions Judge Establishment or equivalent court continuously for a minimum Period of 5 (Five) years.
  • Scale of pay: Pay Band-IV of Rs. 30,000/- to 1,10,000/- + G.P. 14,5001- per month as per ROP, 2017.
6. Post Name: Head Assistant

  • No. of vacancy: 01 (UR)
  • Qualification: The candidates must have served as Supervisory Assistant, or a Sheristadar of Munsiff or a Sheristadar of Asstt. District & Sessions Judge or UDA continuously for 03 years in the District & Sessions Judge Establishment.
  • Scale of pay: Rs. 22,000/- to 97,000/- + G.P. 10,300/- per month plus other allowances as admissible as Per rules.
7. Post Name: Sheristadar (District & Sessions Judge)

  • No. of vacancy: 02 (UR)
  • Qualification: The Candidate must have rendered not less than 07 years in the Establishment of District & Sessions Judge out of which 03 years shall be of continuous service as UDA.
  • Scale of pay: Pay Band- IV of Rs. 30,000/- to 1,10,000/- + G.P. L4,5001- per month as per ROP, 2017.
8. Post Name: Bench Clerk (Grade-I)

  • No. of vacancy: 02 (UR: 01 & STP: 01)
  • Qualification: The candidate must have served as L.D Assistant/Copyist having not less than 7 years in the establishment of the District & Sessions Judge out of which at least 3 years continuous service must be as U.D. Assistant.
  • Scale of pay: Rs,22,000/- to 97,0001- + G.P. 9,100/- P.M. along with other admissible allowances as per ROP Rules, 2017.
9. Post Name: Bench Clerk (Grade-II)

  • No. of vacancy: 01 (UR)
  • Qualification: The candidate must have served as L.D Assistant/Copyist having not less than 5 years of continuous service in the establishment of the District & Sessions Judge.
  • Scale of pay: Rs, 14,000/- to 60,500/- + G.P. 8,000/- P.M, along with other admissible allowances as per ROP Rules, 2017.
10. Post Name: UDA

  • No. of vacancy: 03 (UR: 02 & SC: 01)
  • Qualification: The candidate must have served as L.D Assistant/Copyist or equivalent services in the Court for 5 years,
  • Scale of pay: Rs, 14,000/- to 60,500/- + G.P. 8,000/- P.M, along with other admissible allowances as per ROP Rules, 2017.

How to Apply for DSJ West Karbi Anglong Vacancy?

# The intending candidates shall submit their applications in the Standard form as published in the Assam Gazette in Part-IX. Applications must be accompanied by 4 (Four copies of recent passport size-coloured photographs and testimonials of his/her Age, Caste, Educational Qualification etc., along with the filled up application form, in photocopy to be self-attested.

# The intending candidates shall submit their applications through proper channel including experience certificate issued by the respective competent District and Sessions Judge or equivalent Courts along with copies of service book, five years ACRs with proof of requisite educational qualifications.

# Candidates will have to super scribe the post applied for at the top of Envelop in Block letter.

# The application with self-attested copies of all testimonials regarding Educational Qualification, Age, Caste, for the post of Driver, copy of valid Driving License along with 3 (three) copies of recent passport size photographs duly signed by the candidate on the reverse side should reach the Office of the undersigned.

# The applicant should mention their Mobile Numbers/Email ID in the application without fail.

# The last date of receipt of application form is 27.04.2023. No application will be accepted after the last date of submission, The undersigned shall not be responsible under any circumstances for any postal delay.

Important Web-links for DSJ West Karbi Anglong Vacancy

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