RRC WR Recruitment 2024 » 5066 Apprentices Posts, Online Form

RRC WR Recruitment 2024 » 5066 Apprentices Posts, Online Form

Railway Recruitment Cell (RRC), Western Railway (WR), Mumbai, has released an official advertisement notification for the recruitment of 5066 Engagement of Apprentices vacancy. All the details related to RRC WR Recruitment 2024 are given below.

Railway Recruitment Cell (RRC)

RRC WR Recruitment Overview

Advt. No.


Post Name

Various Posts



Job Location

Across India




10th with ITI


RRC WR Apprentices 2024

Apply Mode


Last Date


Employment News

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RRC WR Recruitment Details

Trade Name


Age Limit



The Applicants should have completed 15 years of age and should not have completed 24 years of age as on 22/10/2024.

Welder (Gas & Electric)








Painter (General)


Mechanic (Diesel)


Mechanic (Motor Vehicle)


Programming & Systems Administration Assistant (PASSA)




Mechanic (Electrical Power Drives)


Electronics Mechanic




Mechanic (Refrigeration and Air Conditioning)


Pipe Fitter




Forger & Heat Treater


Draughtsman (Civil)


Stenographer (English)


Other Details of RRC WR Vacancy

Qualification: Matriculate or 10th Class in 10+2 examination system with minimum 50% marks in aggregate from recognized Board with ITI certificate affiliated to NCVT/SCVT is compulsory in relevant trade.

Scale of Pay: Level-1 (Rs.18000-56900/-).

Mode of Selection: 

(i) Selection of the eligible Applicants for imparting training under the Apprentice Act, 1961 will be based on the merit list which would be prepared taking the average of the percentage of marks obtained by the Applicants in both Matriculation [with minimum 50% (aggregate) marks] and ITI examination giving equal weightage to both. 

(ii) In case of two Applicants having the same marks, the Applicants having older age shall be preferred. In case the dates of birth are also same, then the Applicants who passed matriculation exam earlier shall be considered first. There will be no written test or viva.

Application Fee of RRC WR Vacancy

(i) Application fees (Non-refundable): Rs. 100/-

(ii)  No fee is required to be paid by SC/ST/PWD/Women Applicants.

(iii) The payment can be made by using Debit Card/Credit Card/Internet Banking etc. by providing information as asked on the screen. Transaction charges for online payment, if any, will be borne by the Applicants.

(iv) Once the payment is successfully done, Applicants will be redirected to RRC/WR’s website to complete the application process and download the application form.

(v) In case the Applicants makes the payment and faces any issues like loss of internet connection due to which the Applicant is unable to download the application though the fee amount has been deducted from their Account/Debit/Credit Card, please click on “Verify Payment” button to reconfirm the same from the Payment gateway.

Important Dates of RRC WR Vacancy



Date of Notification


Opening Date and Time

23.09.2024 @ 11.00 hrs.

Closing Date and Time

22.10.2024 @ 17.00 hrs.

Last Date Extension


How to Apply for RRC WR Vacancy?

(i) Applicants are required to apply ONLINE by visiting www.rrc-wr.com

(ii) Applicants are required to fill up the personal details/Trade/Aadhaar number/Marks/CGPA/ preference for Divisions/Workshops etc. very carefully as the Computerized Merit list will be prepared only on the basis of the information filled by the Applicant in the ONLINE application.

(iii) Applicants should be in possession of Aadhaar Card. At the time of registration, Applicants have to fill 12-digit Aadhaar Card number. The Applicants not having Aadhaar number and have enrolled for Aadhaar but have not received Aadhaar Card can enter 28-digit Aadhaar Enrolment ID printed on the Aadhaar Enrolment slip.

(iv) Applicants should ensure their name, father’s name, date of birth should exactly match as recorded in Matriculation or equivalent certificate.

(v) Applicants possessing ITI qualification in more than one trade can apply for different relevant trades separately.

(vi) Applicants trying to submit more than one application for the same TRADE with different particulars like Name/ Father’s name/Community/PWD/ educational and/or technical qualification etc. or with different Email ID/Mobile Number are informed that all such applications will be summarily rejected.

(vii) Applicants are required to upload the legible self-attested scanned copy of following documents:-

1. SSC (Standard 10th) or its equivalent Mark Sheet. Certificate for proof of date of birth (Standard 10 or its equivalent certificate or mark sheet indicating date of birth or School Leaving Certificate indicating date of birth).

2. Consolidated ITI mark Sheet of all semesters of the trade in which applied/Provisional National Trade Certificate indicating marks.

3. National Trade Certificate issued by NCVT or Provisional National Trade Certificate issued by NCVT/SCVT.

4. Caste certificate for SC/ST/OBC Applicants.

5. Disability certificate, in case of PwBD Applicants.

6. Applicants are required to upload Scanned copy/soft copy of their colour photograph (size 3.5 cm x 3.5 cm) taken not later than three months from the date of application, JPG/JPEG format, 100 DPI, size of the file should be between 20 kb-70 kb) with clear front view of the Applicants without cap and sunglasses. Applicants may note that RRC may, at any stage, reject the applications for uploading old/unclear photograph or for any significant variations between photograph uploaded in the Application Form and the actual Physical appearance of the Applicants. Applicants are advised to keep two additional copies of the same photograph ready with them and carry the same at the time of Document/Certificate Verification.

7. Applicants are also required to upload the Scanned copy/soft copy their signature (size 3.5 cm x 3.5 cm, JPG/JPEG format, 100 DPI, size of the file should be between 20 kb-30kb). 

8. Income & Asset Certificate (Annexure H) to be uploaded by Economically Weaker Section wherever applicable.

Important Links for RRC WR Vacancy

Apply Online

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Detailed Notification

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Short Notification

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Official Website

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